iss/accessors.h [code] | Implements accessors for IndSimpSet |
simplicial/accessors.h [code] | Implements accessors operations for SimpMeshRed |
Ball.h [code] | |
BBox.h [code] | Implements a class for an axes-oriented bounding box in N dimensions |
boundaryCondition.h [code] | Boundary condition functions for indexed simplex sets |
iss/build.h [code] | Implements builders for IndSimpSet |
simplicial/build.h [code] | Functions to build edges in a SimpMeshRed<2,2> |
buildFromSimplices.h [code] | Implements a builder for IndSimpSet |
cellAttributes.h [code] | Implements cellAttributes measures for IndSimpSet |
Circle3.h [code] | |
CircularArc3.h [code] | |
coarsen.h [code] | Functions to coarsen the cells in a SimpMeshRed |
ComplexWithFreeVertex.h [code] | A local simplicial complex with a free node at the center |
ComplexWithFreeVertexOnManifold.h [code] | A local simplicial complex with a free node at the center |
contact.h [code] | Remove contact |
content.h [code] | Define functions to compute content (length, area, volume, etc.) |
CyclicIndex.h [code] | |
decomposition.h [code] | Functions for decomposing the Jacobian |
defs.h [code] | Definitions for the computational geometry package |
kernel/distance.h [code] | |
mesh/iss/distance.h [code] | Compute the distance to a simplicial mesh for a single point |
distinct_points.h [code] | From a set of points, generate an indexed set of distinct points |
EdgeIterator.h [code] | |
EdgeRemoval.h [code] | Class for edge removal in a tetrahedral mesh |
equality.h [code] | Equality operators for IndSimpSet |
FaceIterator.h [code] | A face iterator in SimpMeshRed |
FaceRemoval.h [code] | Class for edge removal in a tetrahedral mesh |
iss/file_io.h [code] | Implements file I/O operations for IndSimpSet |
simplicial/file_io.h [code] | Implements file I/O operations for SimpMeshRed |
fit.h [code] | Fit a mesh to a level-set description |
flip.h [code] | Functions to flip edges in a SimpMeshRed<2,2> |
functor.h [code] | Various functors for simplices |
iss/geometry.h [code] | Geometric functions for indexed simplex sets |
simplex/geometry.h [code] | Geometric functions for simplices |
simplicial/geometry.h [code] | Geometric functions |
grid.h [code] | Includes the RegularGrid class |
inc_opt.h [code] | Incidence optimization |
IndexedEdgePolyhedron.h [code] | Implements a class for an indexed edge polyhedron in 3-D |
IndSimpSet.h [code] | Implements a mesh that stores vertices and indexed simplices |
IndSimpSetIncAdj.h [code] | An indexed simplex set in N-D that optimizes simplex quality |
insert.h [code] | Insert cells into a SimpMeshRed |
Interval.h [code] | Implements a class for an axes-oriented interval in N dimensions |
iss.h [code] | Includes the classes for indexed simplex sets |
ISS_Interpolate.h [code] | Interpolation on an indexed simplex set |
ISS_SignedDistance.h [code] | Signed distance to a simplicial mesh |
ISS_SimplexQuery.h [code] | Simplex queries on an indexed simplex set |
ISS_VertexField.h [code] | Interpolation on an indexed simplex set |
IssiaFaceIterator.h [code] | |
kernel.h [code] | Includes the classes in the kernel sub-package |
iss/laplacian.h [code] | Implements Laplacian smoothing |
simplicial/laplacian.h [code] | Implements Laplacian smoothing |
Line_2.h [code] | |
manipulators.h [code] | Implements operations that manipulators a SimpMeshRed |
mesh.h [code] | Includes the data structures and algorithms for generating and optimizing simplicial (triangle, tetrahedral, etc.) meshes |
Node_AllIncCells.h [code] | Class for a vertex in a mesh |
Node_OneIncCell.h [code] | Class for a vertex in a mesh |
Node_VertSelf.h [code] | A node in a simplicial mesh that stores a vertex and an iterator to itself |
Node_VertSelfId.h [code] | A node in a simplicial mesh that stores a vertex, an iterator to itself, and an identifier |
onManifold.h [code] | Implements on-manifold operations for IndSimpSet |
optimize.h [code] | Implements file I/O operations for IndSimpSet |
orientation.h [code] | Functions to compute orientation |
orq.h [code] | Includes the Orthogonal Range Query in N-D classes |
ParametrizedLine.h [code] | |
ParametrizedPlane.h [code] | |
penetration.h [code] | Report penetrations |
Plane.h [code] | Implements a class for a plane in 3 dimensions |
Point.h [code] | Define functions to treat a FixedArray as a point or vector |
PointsOnManifold.h [code] | Represent the features of a mesh |
PointsOnManifold321.h [code] | Represent the features of a 3-2 mesh |
PointsOnManifoldN11.h [code] | Represent the features of a N-1 mesh |
Polygon.h [code] | |
polytope.h [code] | Includes the polygon and polyhedron classes |
quadrilateral.h [code] | Includes the files for quadrilateral meshes |
iss/quality.h [code] | Implements quality measures for IndSimpSet |
simplicial/quality.h [code] | Implements quality measures for SimpMeshRed |
refine.h [code] | Functions to refine the cells in a SimpMeshRed |
RegularGrid.h [code] | A class for a regular grid |
ScanConversionPolygon.h [code] | |
ScanConversionPolyhedron.h [code] | A class for a polyhedron in 3-D designed for scan conversion |
Segment.h [code] | |
SegmentMath.h [code] | |
SemiOpenInterval.h [code] | Implements a class for an axes-oriented semi-open interval in N dimensions |
iss/set.h [code] | Implements set operations for IndSimpSet |
simplicial/set.h [code] | Implements operations that set a SimpMeshRed |
Simplex.h [code] | A simplex in N dimensions |
simplex.h [code] | Includes the classes for algebraic simplex quality measures |
simplex_distance.h [code] | Functions for determining the distance to a simplex |
SimplexAdj.h [code] | Simplex-simplex adjacencies in an indexed simplex set in N-D |
SimplexAdjJac.h [code] | Implements operations for the adjoint Jacobian matrix of a simplex |
SimplexAdjJacQF.h [code] | Quality function of the Jacobian and its adjoint |
SimplexCondNum.h [code] | Implements the condition number quality metric |
SimplexIterator.h [code] | A simplex iterator for an indexed simplex set |
SimplexJac.h [code] | Implements operations for the Jacobian matrix of a simplex |
SimplexJacQF.h [code] | Simplex quality functions of the Jacobian matrix |
SimplexMeanRatio.h [code] | Implements the mean ratio quality metric |
SimplexModCondNum.h [code] | Implements the modified condition number quality metric |
SimplexModDet.h [code] | Implements operations for modifying the determinant of the Jacobian |
SimplexModMeanRatio.h [code] | Implements the mean ratio quality metric |
SimplexWithFreeVertex.h [code] | Implements a class for a simplex with a free vertex |
simplicial.h [code] | Includes the classes for topological optimization of simplicial meshes |
SimpMeshRed.h [code] | Class for a tetrahedral mesh with topological optimization capabilities |
SmrCell.h [code] | Class for a cell in a simplicial mesh that stores the handles to the adjacent cells |
SmrNode.h [code] | Class for a vertex in a mesh |
solveLaplacian.h [code] | Implements Laplacian solve |
spatialIndexing.h [code] | Includes the spatial indexing classes |
structured_grid.h [code] | Includes the classes for structured grids |
StructuredGrid.h [code] | Implements a class for a structured grid |
subdivide.h [code] | Subdivision (Uniform in 1-D and 2-D.) |
iss/tile.h [code] | Tile a rectilinear region with simplices |
simplicial/tile.h [code] | Tile a rectilinear region with a simplicial mesh |
topologicalOptimize.h [code] | Functions to topologicalOptimize the cells in a SimpMeshRed |
iss/topology.h [code] | Topological functions for indexed simplex sets |
simplex/topology.h [code] | Geometric functions for simplices |
simplicial/topology.h [code] | Topological functions |
transfer.h [code] | Transfer fields for indexed simplex sets |
iss/transform.h [code] | Implements operations that transform a IndSimpSet |
simplicial/transform.h [code] | Implements operations that transform a SimpMeshRed |
tree.h [code] | Includes the tree data structure classes |
Triangle.h [code] | Implements a class for a triangle |
valid.h [code] | Functions to valid edges in a SimpMeshRed<2,2> |
VertexSimplexInc.h [code] | Vertex-simplex incidences in an M-D indexed simplex set |