geometry.h File Reference

Geometric functions. More...

#include "SimpMeshRed.h"
#include "topology.h"
#include "../simplex/geometry.h"
#include "../../../numerical/constants.h"
#include "geometry.ipp"

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class  IsNotSharpAngle< SMR >
 Functor that returns true iff the boundary angle is not sharp. More...


template<class SMR >
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_GEOM SMR::Number computeIncidentCellsAngle (typename SMR::NodeConstIterator node)
 Return the solid angle accumulated from the incident cells.
template<class SMR >
SMR::Number computeDihedralAngle (typename SMR::ConstEdge edge)
 Compute the dihedral angle at the specified edge.
template<class SMR >
SMR::Number computeCosineAngle (typename SMR::FaceConstIterator face)
 Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified 1-face.
template<class SMR >
void computeNodeNormal (typename SMR::NodeConstIterator node, typename SMR::Vertex *normal)
 Compute the normal to the surface.
template<class SMR >
SMR::Vertex computeNodeNormal (typename SMR::NodeConstIterator node)
 Return the normal to the surface.
template<class SMR >
void computeCellNormal (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::Vertex *normal)
 Compute the cell normal.
template<class SMR >
SMR::Vertex computeCellNormal (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell)
 Return the normal to the surface.
template<class SMR >
void computeFaceNormal (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, int i, typename SMR::Vertex *x)
 Compute the face normal.
template<typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, typename OutputIterator >
void projectAndGetSimplices (const SimpMeshRed< 2, 1, T, Node, Cell, Cont > &mesh, OutputIterator simplices)
 Project the line segments to 1-D and collect them.
template<typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, typename OutputIterator >
void projectAndGetSimplices (const SimpMeshRed< 3, 2, T, Node, Cell, Cont > &mesh, OutputIterator simplices)
 Project the triangle simplices to 2-D and collect them.

Detailed Description

Geometric functions.

Function Documentation

template<class SMR >
SMR::Vertex computeCellNormal ( typename SMR::CellConstIterator  cell  )  [inline]

Return the normal to the surface.

The space dimension must be one more than the simplex dimension, N == M + 1.
template<class SMR >
void computeCellNormal ( typename SMR::CellConstIterator  cell,
typename SMR::Vertex *  normal 
) [inline]

Compute the cell normal.

The space dimension must be one more than the simplex dimension, N == M + 1.
template<class SMR >
SMR::Number computeCosineAngle ( typename SMR::FaceConstIterator  face  )  [inline]

Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified 1-face.

The 1-face must have two incident simplices.
template<class SMR >
SMR::Number computeDihedralAngle ( typename SMR::ConstEdge  edge  )  [inline]

Compute the dihedral angle at the specified edge.

The dihedral angle is accumulated from the incident cells.

template<class SMR >
void computeFaceNormal ( typename SMR::CellConstIterator  cell,
int  i,
typename SMR::Vertex *  x 
) [inline]

Compute the face normal.

The space dimension must be equal to the simplex dimension, N == M.
template<class SMR >
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_GEOM SMR::Number computeIncidentCellsAngle ( typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  node  )  [inline]

Return the solid angle accumulated from the incident cells.

This function does not check if the node is in the interior or on the boundary. For the sake of efficiency, only call this function for boundary nodes.

template<class SMR >
SMR::Vertex computeNodeNormal ( typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  node  )  [inline]

Return the normal to the surface.

node Must be a boundary node.
template<class SMR >
void computeNodeNormal ( typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  node,
typename SMR::Vertex *  normal 
) [inline]

Compute the normal to the surface.

node Must be a boundary node.
normal Set to the node normal.
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3