SimplexIterator.h File Reference

A simplex iterator for an indexed simplex set. More...

#include <iterator>

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class  SimplexIterator< ISS >
 A simplex iterator for a mesh. More...


template<class ISS >
bool operator== (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 Return true if the iterators have a handle to the same index.
template<class ISS >
bool operator!= (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 Return true if the iterators do not have a handle to the same index.
template<class ISS >
bool operator< (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 Return true if the index of x precedes that of y.
template<class ISS >
bool operator> (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 Return true if the index of x follows that of y.
template<class ISS >
bool operator<= (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 Return true if the index of x precedes or is equal to that of y.
template<class ISS >
bool operator>= (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 Return true if the index of x follows or is equal to that of y.
template<class ISS >
SimplexIterator< ISS >
operator- (const SimplexIterator< ISS > &x, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &y)
 The difference of two iterators.
template<class ISS >
SimplexIterator< ISS > operator+ (typename SimplexIterator< ISS >::difference_type n, const SimplexIterator< ISS > &i)
 Iterator advance.

Detailed Description

A simplex iterator for an indexed simplex set.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3