content.h File Reference

Define functions to compute content (length, area, volume, etc.). More...

#include "../defs.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "TensorTypes.h"
#include "../array/FixedArray.h"
#include <iosfwd>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include "SquareMatrix.ipp"

Go to the source code of this file.


template<int N, typename T >
computeDistance (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &x, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &y)
 Return the distance between the points x and y.
template<int N, typename T >
computeDistance (const ads::FixedArray< 2, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &x)
 Return the distance between the points x[0] and x[1].
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &x, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &y)
 Return the distance between the points x and y.
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< 2, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &x)
 Return the distance between the points x[0] and x[1].
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfDistance (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &x, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &y, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to x) of the distance between the points x and y.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfDistance (const ads::FixedArray< 2, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &x, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to x[0]) of the distance between the points x[0] and x[1].
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &x, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &y, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to x) of the distance between the points x and y.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< 2, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &x, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to x[0]) of the distance between the points x[0] and x[1].
template<typename T >
computeArea (const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &c)
 Return the area of the triangle with points a, b and c.
template<typename T >
computeArea (const ads::FixedArray< 3, ads::FixedArray< 2, T > > &p)
 Return the area of the triangle with points p[0], p[1] and p[2].
template<typename T >
computeArea (const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &c)
 Return the area of the triangle with points a, b and c.
template<typename T >
computeArea (const ads::FixedArray< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T > > &p)
 Return the area of the triangle with points p[0], p[1] and p[2].
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c)
 Return the area of the triangle with points a, b and c.
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< 3, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p)
 Return the area of the triangle with points p[0], p[1] and p[2].
template<typename T >
void computeGradientOfArea (const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &c, ads::FixedArray< 2, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the area of the triangle with points a, b and c.
template<typename T >
void computeGradientOfArea (const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &c, ads::FixedArray< 3, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the area of the triangle with points a, b and c.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfArea (const ads::FixedArray< 3, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the area of the triangle with points p[0], p[1] and p[2].
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the area of the triangle with points a, b and c.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< 3, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the area of the triangle with points p[0], p[1] and p[2].
template<int N, typename T >
computeVolume (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &d)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
computeVolume (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &d)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].
template<typename T >
void computeGradientOfVolume (const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &d, ads::FixedArray< 3, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfVolume (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &d, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].

Detailed Description

Define functions to compute content (length, area, volume, etc.).

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3