ISS_SignedDistance.h File Reference

Signed distance to a simplicial mesh. More...

#include "SimplexAdj.h"
#include "ISS_SimplexQuery.h"
#include "../simplex/simplex_distance.h"
#include "../../tree/BBoxTree.h"
#include "../../../ads/algorithm/sign.h"
#include "../defs.h"
#include <set>
#include <map>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ISS_Distance< ISS >
 Functor that returns the distance to a mesh. More...
class  ISS_SD_Distance< ISS >
 Functor that returns the signed distance to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space. More...
class  ISS_SD_ClosestPoint< ISS >
 Functor that returns the closest point to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space. More...
class  ISS_SD_ClosestPointDirection< ISS >
 Functor that returns the closest point along a specified direction to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space. More...
class  ISS_SD_CloserPointDirection< ISS >
 Functor that returns the closest point along a specified direction to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space. More...
class  ISS_SD_CloserPoint< ISS >
 Functor that returns a closer point to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space. More...

Detailed Description

Signed distance to a simplicial mesh.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3