file_io.h File Reference

Implements file I/O operations for IndSimpSet. More...

#include "IndSimpSet.h"
#include <string>
#include "file_io.ipp"

Go to the source code of this file.


template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssAscii (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Write an indexed simplex set in ascii format.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssBinary (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Write an indexed simplex set in binary format.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter , typename ContainerIter , typename StringIter >
void writeIssAndCellDataVtkXml (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd, ContainerIter cellDataContainersBeginning, ContainerIter cellDataContainersEnd, StringIter dataNamesBeginning, StringIter dataNamesEnd)
 Write in VTK XML unstructured grid format with a cell field.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssVtkXml (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Write in VTK XML unstructured grid format.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssVtkLegacy (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd, std::string title="")
 Write in legacy VTK unstructured grid format.

Detailed Description

Implements file I/O operations for IndSimpSet.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3