topologicalOptimize.h File Reference

Functions to topologicalOptimize the cells in a SimpMeshRed. More...

#include "SimpMeshRed.h"
#include "EdgeRemoval.h"
#include "../simplex/SimplexModCondNum.h"
#include "../../../ads/array/Array.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "EdgeRemoval.ipp"
#include "FaceRemoval.ipp"
#include "set.h"
#include "../iss/PointsOnManifold.h"
#include "../defs.h"
#include "skipElements.ipp"

Go to the source code of this file.


template<class _QualityMetric , typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, int SD>
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_GEOM int topologicalOptimize (SimpMeshRed< 3, 3, T, Node, Cell, Cont > *mesh, const PointsOnManifold< 3, 2, SD, T > *manifold, std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *edgeRemovalOperations=0, std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *faceRemovalOperations=0, int maximumSteps=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
 Use edge and face removal to optimize the mesh.
template<int N, int M, typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, int MM, int SD>
int topologicalOptimizeUsingMeanRatio (SimpMeshRed< N, M, T, Node, Cell, Cont > *mesh, const PointsOnManifold< N, MM, SD, T > *manifold, std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *edgeRemovalOperations=0, std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *faceRemovalOperations=0, const int maximumSteps=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
 Use edge and face removal to optimize the mesh.
template<int N, int M, typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, int MM, int SD>
int topologicalOptimizeUsingConditionNumber (SimpMeshRed< N, M, T, Node, Cell, Cont > *mesh, const PointsOnManifold< N, MM, SD, T > *manifold, std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *edgeRemovalOperations=0, std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *faceRemovalOperations=0, const int maximumSteps=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
 Use edge and face removal to optimize the mesh.

Detailed Description

Functions to topologicalOptimize the cells in a SimpMeshRed.

Function Documentation

template<class _QualityMetric , typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, int SD>
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_GEOM int topologicalOptimize ( SimpMeshRed< 3, 3, T, Node, Cell, Cont > *  mesh,
const PointsOnManifold< 3, 2, SD, T > *  manifold,
std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *  edgeRemovalOperations = 0,
std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *  faceRemovalOperations = 0,
int  maximumSteps = std::numeric_limits< int >::max() 
) [inline]

Use edge and face removal to optimize the mesh.

mesh The simplicial mesh.
manifold The manifold data structure. We pass this by const reference, because the topological optimization will not change the manifold data structure.
edgeRemovalOperations Multi-set to record the edge removal operations.
faceRemovalOperations Multi-set to record the face removal operations.
maximumSteps The maximum allowed number of steps.

Use the specified metric.

The number of edge and face removal operations.
template<int N, int M, typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, int MM, int SD>
int topologicalOptimizeUsingConditionNumber ( SimpMeshRed< N, M, T, Node, Cell, Cont > *  mesh,
const PointsOnManifold< N, MM, SD, T > *  manifold,
std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *  edgeRemovalOperations = 0,
std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *  faceRemovalOperations = 0,
const int  maximumSteps = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() 
) [inline]

Use edge and face removal to optimize the mesh.

mesh The simplicial mesh.
manifold The manifold data structure.
edgeRemovalOperations Multi-set to record the edge removal operations.
faceRemovalOperations Multi-set to record the face removal operations.
maximumSteps The maximum allowed number of steps.

Use the modified mean ratio metric.

The number of edge and face removal operations.
template<int N, int M, typename T , template< class > class Node, template< class > class Cell, template< class, class > class Cont, int MM, int SD>
int topologicalOptimizeUsingMeanRatio ( SimpMeshRed< N, M, T, Node, Cell, Cont > *  mesh,
const PointsOnManifold< N, MM, SD, T > *  manifold,
std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *  edgeRemovalOperations = 0,
std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > > *  faceRemovalOperations = 0,
const int  maximumSteps = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() 
) [inline]

Use edge and face removal to optimize the mesh.

mesh The simplicial mesh.
manifold The manifold data structure.
edgeRemovalOperations Multi-set to record the edge removal operations.
faceRemovalOperations Multi-set to record the face removal operations.
maximumSteps The maximum allowed number of steps.

Use the modified mean ratio metric.

The number of edge and face removal operations.
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3