SimplexWithFreeVertex< QF, N, T > Class Template Reference

A simplex with a free vertex. More...

#include <SimplexWithFreeVertex.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef T Number
 The number type.
typedef QualityFunction::Vertex Vertex
 The class for a vertex.
typedef Simplex< N, Vertex,
 A simplex of vertices.
typedef Simplex::Face Face
 The face of a simplex.

Public Member Functions

Constructors etc.

 SimplexWithFreeVertex ()
 Default constructor. Un-initialized memory.
 SimplexWithFreeVertex (const Face &face)
 Construct from a face.
 SimplexWithFreeVertex (const SimplexWithFreeVertex &other)
 Copy constructor.
SimplexWithFreeVertexoperator= (const SimplexWithFreeVertex &other)
 Assignment operator.
 ~SimplexWithFreeVertex ()
 Trivial destructor.

Vertex getFreeVertex () const
 Return the free vertex.
void computeBBox (BBox< N, T > *bb) const
 Calculate a bounding box around the simplex.

void set (const Face &face)
 Set the fixed face.
void setFunction (const Vertex &v)
 Set the free vertex. Prepare for function calls.
void set (const Vertex &v)
 Set the free vertex. Prepare for function and/or gradient calls.
Mathematical functions

Number operator() () const
 Return the quality metric.
void computeGradient (Vertex *gradient) const
 Calculate the gradient of the quality metric.
Number operator() (const Number minimumDeterminant) const
 Return the modified quality metric.
void computeGradient (const Number minimumDeterminant, Vertex *gradient) const
 Calculate the gradient of the modified quality metric.
Number getDeterminant () const
 Return the determinant.
Number computeContent () const
 Return the content.
void computeGradientOfContent (Vertex *gradient) const
 Calculate the gradient of the content.

Detailed Description

template<template< int, typename > class QF, int N, typename T = double>
class SimplexWithFreeVertex< QF, N, T >

A simplex with a free vertex.

QF is the quality functor for the simplex.
N is the dimension.
T is the number type. By default it is double.

This class implements a simplex with a free vertex. It is used to optimize the position of the free vertex. One can set the fixed vertices with the SimplexWithFreeVertex(const Face& face) constructor or with set(const Face& face).

If you are going to use the gradient of the quality function, Jacobian determinant, content, etc. then set the free vertex with set(const Vertex& v). If you don't need gradient information, then use setFunction(const Vertex& v).

This class provides the following mathematical functions. The gradients are with respect to the free vertex.

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