Numerical Simulations of Gaseous Detonations
Next: Regular Cellular Structure, H2:O2:Ar Up: Detonations with Detailed Hydrogen-Oxygen Previous: Initial conditions
Two-dimensional Simulations
This section presents simulations for H2:O2:Ar Chapman-Jouguet detonations with molar ratios 2:1:7 at T0=298 K and p0=6.67 kPa or p0=10.0 kPa. All simulation were done with AMROC.
- Regular Cellular Structure, H2:O2:Ar / 2:1:7, T0=298 K, p0=6.67 kPa
- Snapshot 1
- Snapshot 2
- Snapshot 3
- Snapshot 4
- Snapshot 5
- Snapshot 6
- Snapshot 7
- Snapshot 8
- Triple Point Sub-structure
- Mach Reflection of a Detonation Wave, H2:O2:Ar / 2:1:7, T0=298 K, p0=10.0 kPa
- Diffraction of a Detonation Wave, H2:O2:Ar / 2:1:7, T0=298 K, p0=10.0 kPa
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last update: 06/01/04