Numerical Simulations of Gaseous Detonations
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Mach Reflection of a Detonation Wave, H2:O2:Ar / 2:1:7, T0=298 K, p0=10.0 kPa
A regular oscillating two-dimensional solution of a H2:O2:Ar Chapman-Jouguet detonation with molar ratios 2:1:7 at T0=298 K and p0=10.0 kPa (lig approx. 0.87 mm, detonation cell width 1.6 cm) is calculated in advance. An appropriate snapshot is reproduced periodically to reasonably approximate the flow situation in a larger detonation tube. This solution is rotated and approaches the lower boundary (fixed wall). If the inflow angle is sufficiently small, a Mach reflection of a detonation forms that suppresses the regular transverse oscillation.
Godunov-splitting is used for the incorporation of the source term and for the dimensional extension of a hybrid Roe-HLL scheme with MUSCL reconstruction. Automatic time step adjustment for CCFL = 0.95, Van Albada-limiter, 20 Pts/L1/2. Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement with AMROC with five additional refinement levels (refinement factors 2,2,2,2,4). The computational times were 1100 to 1600 h CPU time on Pentium-III 850 MHz.
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last update: 06/01/04