SmrCell< SMR > Class Template Reference

Cell in a simplicial mesh that stores handles to the adjacent cells. More...

#include <SmrCell.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { M = SMR::M }

The simplex dimension.

typedef SMR Mesh
 The simplicial mesh.
typedef Mesh::CellIterator CellIterator
 An iterator to a cell.
typedef Mesh::CellConstIterator CellConstIterator
 An iterator to a const cell.
typedef Mesh::NodeIterator NodeIterator
 An iterator to a node.
typedef Mesh::NodeConstIterator NodeConstIterator
 An iterator to a const node.
typedef Mesh::Vertex Vertex
 The vertex (a Cartesian point).
typedef Mesh::Number Number
 The number type.
typedef Simplex< M, NodeIteratorNodeIteratorSimplex
 The simplex of node iterators.
typedef Simplex< M, CellIteratorCellIteratorSimplex
 The simplex of cell iterators.
typedef NodeIteratorSimplex::Face Face
 A face of the cell is a simplex of M vertex iterators.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructor.

 SmrCell ()
 Default constructor. Null iterators.
 SmrCell (const NodeIterator v0, const NodeIterator v1, const CellIterator c0=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c1=CellIterator(0), const int identifier=-1)
 Construct a 1-D cell from the vertices and neighbors.
 SmrCell (const NodeIterator v0, const NodeIterator v1, const NodeIterator v2, const CellIterator c0=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c1=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c2=CellIterator(0), const int identifier=-1)
 Construct a 2-D cell from the vertices and neighbors.
 SmrCell (const NodeIterator v0, const NodeIterator v1, const NodeIterator v2, const NodeIterator v3, const CellIterator c0=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c1=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c2=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c3=CellIterator(0), const int identifier=-1)
 Construct a 3-D cell from the vertices and neighbors.
 SmrCell (const SmrCell &other)
 Copy constructor.
 ~SmrCell ()
 Trivial destructor.
Assignment operators.

SmrCelloperator= (const SmrCell &other)
 Assignment operator.

int getIdentifier () const
 Return the identifier of this simplex.
CellConstIterator getSelf () const
 Return a const iterator to this cell.
NodeConstIterator getNode (const int m) const
 Return a const iterator to the m_th node.
const NodeIteratorSimplexgetNodes () const
 Return the simplex of node iterators.
int getIndex (NodeConstIterator node) const
 Return the index of the specified node.
int getIndex (NodeIterator node) const
 Return the index of the specified node.
int getIndex (const Face &f) const
 Return the index of the specified vertex.
bool hasNode (NodeConstIterator node) const
 Return true if the cell has the specified node.
bool hasNode (NodeConstIterator node, int *m) const
 Return true if the cell has the specified node.
bool hasIncidentBoundaryFace (NodeConstIterator node) const
 Return true if this cell has a boundary face that is incident to the specified node.
bool hasIncidentBoundaryFace (const int n) const
 Return true if this cell has a boundary face that is incident to the specified node.
void getCentroid (Vertex *centroid) const
 Calculate the centroid.
CellConstIterator getNeighbor (const int m) const
 Return a const iterator to the n_th neighboring cell.
bool isFaceOnBoundary (const int m) const
 Return true if the specified face is on the boundary.
int getNumberOfNeighbors () const
 Return the number of neighbors.
int getIndex (CellConstIterator c) const
 Return the index of the specified neighbor.
bool hasNeighbor (CellConstIterator c) const
 Return true if the cell has the specified neighbor.
bool hasNeighbor (CellConstIterator c, int *m) const
 Return true if the cell has the specified neighbor.
int getMirrorIndex (const int m) const
 Return the index of this cell in the m_th neighbor.
Number computeMinimumEdgeLength (int *a, int *b) const
 Return the minimum edge length.
Number computeMaximumEdgeLength (int *a, int *b) const
 Return the maximum edge length.
Number computeMinimumEdgeLength () const
 Return the minimum edge length.
Number computeMaximumEdgeLength () const
 Return the maximum edge length.
void getSimplex (Simplex< M, Vertex > *simplex)
 Get the (vertex) simplex that comprises the cell.

void setIdentifier (const int identifier) const
 Set the identifier.
CellIterator getSelf ()
 Return an iterator to this cell.
void setSelf (const CellIterator self)
 Set the self iterator for this cell.
NodeIterator getNode (const int m)
 Return an iterator to the m_th node.
void setNode (const int m, const NodeIterator node)
 Set the m_th node.
CellIterator getNeighbor (const int m)
 Return an iterator to the m_th neighboring cell.
void setNeighbor (const int m, const CellIterator c)
 Set the m_th neighbor.
NodeIterator getMirrorVertex (const int m)
 Return the vertex of the m_th neighbor that is opposite this cell.
void getFace (const int m, Face *f)
 Get the face opposite the m_th vertex.
void unlink ()
 Unlink this cell from the mesh.
void removeNeighbor (const CellIterator c)
 Remove the link to the specified neighbor.
void negate ()
 Reverse the orientation of this cell.
File I/O.

void put (std::ostream &out) const
 Write the identifier, vertex identifiers and neighbor simplex identifiers.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<class SMR >
bool doesCellHaveIncidentFaceOnBoundary (const typename SMR::CellConstIterator &c, int i, int j)
 Return true if the cell has a boundary face incident to the edge.
template<class SMR >
bool isOnBoundary (const typename SMR::CellConstIterator &c, int i, int j)
 Return true if the edge is on the boundary.
template<class SMR >
bool isOnBoundary (const typename SMR::Edge &edge)
 Return true if the edge is on the boundary.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::Cell::Face &face, int *faceIndex)
 Return true if the cell has the specified face. Set the face index.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::Cell::Face &face)
 Return true if the cell has the specified face. Set the face index.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator a, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator b, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator c, int *faceIndex)
 Return true if the cell has the specified face. Set the face index.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace (typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator a, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator b, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator c)
 Return true if the cell has the specified face.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace (typename SMR::CellIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeIterator a, typename SMR::NodeIterator b, typename SMR::NodeIterator c, int *faceIndex)
 Return true if the cell has the specified face. Set the face index.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace (typename SMR::CellIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeIterator a, typename SMR::NodeIterator b, typename SMR::NodeIterator c)
 Return true if the cell has the specified face.

Detailed Description

template<class SMR>
class SmrCell< SMR >

Cell in a simplicial mesh that stores handles to the adjacent cells.

Mesh is the simplicial mesh data structure.

Member Function Documentation

template<class SMR >
Number SmrCell< SMR >::computeMaximumEdgeLength ( int *  a,
int *  b 
) const [inline]

Return the maximum edge length.

Set a and b to the vertex indices that define the maximum edge.

References computeDistance().

template<class SMR >
Number SmrCell< SMR >::computeMinimumEdgeLength ( int *  a,
int *  b 
) const [inline]

Return the minimum edge length.

Set a and b to the vertex indices that define the minimum edge.

References computeDistance(), and max().

template<class SMR >
int SmrCell< SMR >::getIdentifier (  )  const [inline]

Return the identifier of this simplex.

Typically, the identifier is in the range [0...num_simplices). and a value of -1 indicates that the identifier has not been calculated.

Referenced by SmrCell< SMR >::put().

template<class SMR >
int SmrCell< SMR >::getIndex ( const Face f  )  const [inline]

Return the index of the specified vertex.

The vertex is specified by a face of the cell.

References Simplex< N, V, T >::hasVertex().

template<class SMR >
bool SmrCell< SMR >::hasNeighbor ( CellConstIterator  c,
int *  m 
) const [inline]

Return true if the cell has the specified neighbor.

If true, compute the index of the neighbor.

References Simplex< N, V, T >::hasVertex().

template<class SMR >
bool SmrCell< SMR >::hasNode ( NodeConstIterator  node,
int *  m 
) const [inline]

Return true if the cell has the specified node.

If true, compute the index of the node.

References Simplex< N, V, T >::hasVertex().

template<class SMR >
void SmrCell< SMR >::removeNeighbor ( const CellIterator  c  )  [inline]

Remove the link to the specified neighbor.

The shared face becomes a boundary face.

References Simplex< N, V, T >::getBeginning(), and Simplex< N, V, T >::getEnd().

template<class SMR >
void SmrCell< SMR >::setIdentifier ( const int  identifier  )  const [inline]

Set the identifier.

This member function is const because the identifier is mutable. It is intended to be modified as the mesh changes.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class SMR >
bool doesCellHaveIncidentFaceOnBoundary ( const typename SMR::CellConstIterator &  c,
int  i,
int  j 
) [related]

Return true if the cell has a boundary face incident to the edge.

SMR::M == 3.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace ( typename SMR::CellIterator  cell,
typename SMR::NodeIterator  a,
typename SMR::NodeIterator  b,
typename SMR::NodeIterator  c 
) [related]

Return true if the cell has the specified face.

SMR::M == 3.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace ( typename SMR::CellIterator  cell,
typename SMR::NodeIterator  a,
typename SMR::NodeIterator  b,
typename SMR::NodeIterator  c,
int *  faceIndex 
) [related]

Return true if the cell has the specified face. Set the face index.

SMR::M == 3.

References Simplex< N, V, T >::hasFace().

template<class SMR >
bool hasFace ( typename SMR::CellConstIterator  cell,
typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  a,
typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  b,
typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  c 
) [related]

Return true if the cell has the specified face.

SMR::M == 3.
template<class SMR >
bool hasFace ( typename SMR::CellConstIterator  cell,
typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  a,
typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  b,
typename SMR::NodeConstIterator  c,
int *  faceIndex 
) [related]

Return true if the cell has the specified face. Set the face index.

SMR::M == 3.

References Simplex< N, V, T >::hasFace().

template<class SMR >
bool isOnBoundary ( const typename SMR::Edge &  edge  )  [related]

Return true if the edge is on the boundary.

SMR::M == 3.

i and j are the indices of the edge in the cell.

An edge is on the boundary iff an incident face is on the boundary.

template<class SMR >
bool isOnBoundary ( const typename SMR::CellConstIterator &  c,
int  i,
int  j 
) [related]

Return true if the edge is on the boundary.

SMR::M == 3.

i and j are the indices of the edge in the cell.

An edge is on the boundary iff an incident face is on the boundary.

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