Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Ball< N, T >A ball in N dimensional space
BBox< N, T >An axes-oriented bounding box in the specified dimension
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::CellIteratorCompareFunctor for comparing cell iterators by their identifiers
Circle3< T >A circle in 3-dimensional space
CircularArc3< T >A circular arc in 3-dimensional space
ComplexContentConstraint< Complex >Functor that evaluates the content constraint for a local simplicial mesh
ComplexManifoldNorm2< Complex >Functor that evaluates the 2-norm of the quality metric for a local simplicial mesh
ComplexManifoldNorm2Mod< Complex >Functor that evaluates the 2-norm of the modified quality metric for a local simplicial mesh
ComplexNorm2< Complex >Functor that evaluates the 2-norm of the quality metric for a local simplicial mesh
ComplexNorm2Mod< Complex >Functor that evaluates the 2-norm of the modified quality metric for a local simplicial mesh
ComplexWithFreeVertex< QF, N, T >A local simplicial complex with a free node at the center
ComplexWithFreeVertexOnManifold< QF, N, 1, _Manifold, T >A local simplicial complex with a free node on a manifold
ComplexWithFreeVertexOnManifold< QF, N, 2, _Manifold, T >A local simplicial complex with a free node on a manifold
ComplexWithFreeVertexOnManifoldBase< QF, N, M, _Manifold, T >A base class for a local simplicial complex with a free node on a manifold
CyclicIndexA class for a cyclic index
EdgeIterator< _Mesh, Const >An iterator on edges in a simplicial mesh
EdgeRemoval< _QualityMetric, _Point, _Number >Edge removal in a tetrahedral mesh
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::FaceCompareFunctor for comparing faces
FaceIterator< M, _Face, _CellHandle >An iterator of faces in a simplicial mesh
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::FaceIteratorCompareFunctor for comparing face iterators
FaceRemoval< _QualityMetric, _Point, _Number >Edge removal in a tetrahedral mesh
IndexedEdgePolyhedron< T >Class for an indexed edge polyhedron in 3-D
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::IndSimpIterAn indexed simplex iterator for a SimpMeshRed
IndSimpSet< _N, _M, _A, T, V, IS >Class for a mesh that stores vertices and indexed simplices
IndSimpSetIncAdj< _N, _M, _A, T, V, IS >An indexed simplex set that stores vertex-simplex incidences and simplex adjacencies
Interval< N, T >An axes-oriented interval in the specified dimension
IsNotSharpAngle< SMR >Functor that returns true iff the boundary angle is not sharp
ISS_Distance< ISS >Functor that returns the distance to a mesh
ISS_Interpolate< ISS, F >Interpolation for an indexed simplex set with fields at the vertices
ISS_SD_CloserPoint< ISS >Functor that returns a closer point to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space
ISS_SD_CloserPointDirection< ISS >Functor that returns the closest point along a specified direction to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space
ISS_SD_ClosestPoint< ISS >Functor that returns the closest point to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space
ISS_SD_ClosestPointDirection< ISS >Functor that returns the closest point along a specified direction to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space
ISS_SD_Distance< ISS >Functor that returns the signed distance to an (N-1)-D mesh in N-D space
ISS_SimplexQuery< ISS >Simplex queries on an indexed simplex set
ISS_VertexField< ISS, F >Indexed simplex set with fields at the vertices
IssiaFaceIterator< ISSIA >Face iterator in an indexed simplex set (mesh)
Line_2< T >A line in 2-D
Node_AllIncCells< Mesh >Node in a simplicial mesh that stores iterators to all incident cells
Node_OneIncCell< Mesh >Vertex in a simplicial mesh that stores one cell incidence
Node_VertSelf< Mesh >A node in a simplicial mesh that stores a vertex and an iterator to itself
Node_VertSelfId< Mesh >A node in a simplicial mesh that stores a vertex, an iterator to itself, and an identifier
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::NodeIteratorCompareFunctor for comparing node iterators by their identifiers
ParametrizedLine< N, T >A parametrized line in N-D
ParametrizedPlane< N, T >A parametrized plane in N-D
Plane< T >A plane in 3 dimensions
PointsOnManifold< 3, 2, 1, T >Feature-based manifold data structure
PointsOnManifold< _N, 1, 1, T >Feature-based manifold data structure
Polygon< T >Class for a polygon in 2-D
RegularGrid< N, T >A regular grid in N-D
ScanConversionPolygon< T >Class for a polygon in 2-D
ScanConversionPolyhedron< T >A class for a polyhedron in 3-D designed for scan conversion
Segment< N, T >A segment in N dimensional space
SegmentMath< N, T >A segment in N dimensional space designed for doing math operations
SemiOpenInterval< N, T >An axes-oriented semi-open interval in N dimensions
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::SimpIterA simplex iterator for a SimpMeshRed
Simplex< N, V, T >A simplex in N dimensions
SimplexAdj< M >Simplex-simplex adjacencies in an M-D indexed simplex set
SimplexAdjJac< N, T >Implements operations for the adjoint Jacobian matrix of a simplex
SimplexAdjJacQF< N, T >Quality function of the Jacobian and its adjoint
SimplexCondNum< N, T >Implements the condition number quality metric
SimplexContent< N, M, T >Functor for the content of a simplex
SimplexDeterminant< N, M, T >Functor for the determinant of the Jacobian matrix
SimplexIterator< ISS >A simplex iterator for a mesh
SimplexJac< N, T >Implements operations for the Jacobian matrix of a simplex
SimplexJacQF< N, T >Simplex quality functions of the Jacobian matrix
SimplexMaximumEdgeLength< N, M, T >Functor for the minimum edge length of a simplex
SimplexMeanRatio< N, T >Implements the mean ratio quality metric
SimplexMinimumEdgeLength< N, M, T >Functor for the minimum edge length of a simplex
SimplexModCondNum< N, T >Implements the modified condition number quality metric
SimplexModDet< T >Implements operations for modifying the determinant of the Jacobian
SimplexModMeanRatio< N, T >Implements the mean ratio quality metric
SimplexWithFreeVertex< QF, N, T >A simplex with a free vertex
SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >A simplicial mesh data structure
SmrCell< SMR >Cell in a simplicial mesh that stores handles to the adjacent cells
SmrNode< SMR >Node in a simplicial mesh that stores iterators to all incident cells
StructuredGrid< N, M, T >Class for a structured grid
Triangle< N, T >A class for a triangle in N dimensions
VertexSimplexInc< M >Vertex-simplex incidences in an M-D indexed simplex set
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