File I/O for IndSimpSet


template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssAscii (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Write an indexed simplex set in ascii format.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssBinary (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Write an indexed simplex set in binary format.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter , typename ContainerIter , typename StringIter >
void writeIssAndCellDataVtkXml (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd, ContainerIter cellDataContainersBeginning, ContainerIter cellDataContainersEnd, StringIter dataNamesBeginning, StringIter dataNamesEnd)
 Write in VTK XML unstructured grid format with a cell field.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssVtkXml (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Write in VTK XML unstructured grid format.
template<int N, int M, typename VertForIter , typename ISForIter >
void writeIssVtkLegacy (std::ostream &out, VertForIter verticesBeginning, VertForIter verticesEnd, ISForIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISForIter indexedSimplicesEnd, std::string title="")
 Write in legacy VTK unstructured grid format.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void IndSimpSet::writeAscii (std::ostream &out, const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &x)
 Write an indexed simplex set in ascii format.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void IndSimpSet::writeBinary (std::ostream &out, const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &x)
 Write an indexed simplex set in binary format.
template<int N, int M, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void IndSimpSet::readAscii (std::istream &in, IndSimpSet< N, M, true, T, V, IS > *x)
 Read an indexed simplex set in ascii format.
template<int N, int M, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void IndSimpSet::readBinary (std::istream &in, IndSimpSet< N, M, true, T, V, IS > *x)
 Read an indexed simplex set in binary format.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void IndSimpSet::writeVtkXml (std::ostream &out, const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &x)
 Write in VTK XML unstructured grid format.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename F , bool A2>
void IndSimpSet::writeVtkXml (std::ostream &out, const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &x, const ads::Array< 1, F, A2 > &cellData, std::string dataName)
 Write the mesh and the cell data in VTK XML unstructured grid format.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename ContainerIter , typename StringIter >
void IndSimpSet::writeVtkXml (std::ostream &out, const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &x, ContainerIter cellDataContainersBeginning, ContainerIter cellDataContainersEnd, StringIter dataNamesBeginning, StringIter dataNamesEnd)
 Write the mesh and the cell data in VTK XML unstructured grid format.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void IndSimpSet::writeVtkLegacy (std::ostream &out, const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &x, std::string title="")
 Write in legacy VTK unstructured grid format.

Detailed Description

An indexed simplex set can be written to a file in ascii or binary format. In addition, it can be exported to VTK XML or VTK legacy format.

For ascii and binary files, the first two numbers identify the space dimension and the simplex dimension. Then the vertex coordinates are enumerated, followed by the tuples of vertex indices that comprise the simplices. These indices are in the range [0..numberOfVertices). The file format is:

  spaceDimension simplexDimension
  vertex_0_coord_0 vertex_0_coord_1 ... vertex_0_coord_N-1
  vertex_1_coord_0 vertex_1_coord_1 ... vertex_1_coord_N-1
  simplex_0_index_0 simplex_0_index_1 ... simplex_0_index_M
  simplex_1_index_0 simplex_1_index_1 ... simplex_1_index_M

For example, the boundary of the unit square in 2-D is:

  2 1
  0.0 0.0
  1.0 0.0
  1.0 1.0
  0.0 1.0
  0 1
  1 2
  2 3
  3 0

A triangle mesh of the unit square is:

  2 2
  0.0 0.0
  1.0 0.0
  1.0 1.0
  0.0 1.0
  0 1 2
  0 2 3

Function Documentation

template<int N, int M, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void readAscii ( std::istream &  in,
IndSimpSet< N, M, true, T, V, IS > *  x 
) [related, inherited]

Read an indexed simplex set in ascii format.

template<int N, int M, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void readBinary ( std::istream &  in,
IndSimpSet< N, M, true, T, V, IS > *  x 
) [related, inherited]

Read an indexed simplex set in binary format.

template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void writeAscii ( std::ostream &  out,
const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  x 
) [related, inherited]
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void writeBinary ( std::ostream &  out,
const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  x 
) [related, inherited]

Write an indexed simplex set in binary format.

template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void writeVtkLegacy ( std::ostream &  out,
const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  x,
std::string  title = "" 
) [related, inherited]
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename ContainerIter , typename StringIter >
void writeVtkXml ( std::ostream &  out,
const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  x,
ContainerIter  cellDataContainersBeginning,
ContainerIter  cellDataContainersEnd,
StringIter  dataNamesBeginning,
StringIter  dataNamesEnd 
) [related, inherited]
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename F , bool A2>
void writeVtkXml ( std::ostream &  out,
const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  x,
const ads::Array< 1, F, A2 > &  cellData,
std::string  dataName 
) [related, inherited]
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void writeVtkXml ( std::ostream &  out,
const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  x 
) [related, inherited]
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3