Transfer Fields


template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , class PointArray , class IndexArray >
void IndSimpSet::transferIndices (const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, const PointArray &points, IndexArray *indices)
 Determine the simplex indices in an ISS for transfering fields.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , class SourceFieldArray , class PointArray , class TargetFieldArray >
void IndSimpSet::transfer (const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, const SourceFieldArray &sourceFields, const PointArray &points, TargetFieldArray *targetFields)
 Transfer fields for indexed simplex sets.

Detailed Description

These functions are used to transfer fields from one simplicial mesh to another.

Function Documentation

template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , class SourceFieldArray , class PointArray , class TargetFieldArray >
void transfer ( const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
const SourceFieldArray &  sourceFields,
const PointArray &  points,
TargetFieldArray *  targetFields 
) [related, inherited]

Transfer fields for indexed simplex sets.

Use linear interpolation to transfer the fields from the source mesh to the target vertices.

mesh The simplicial mesh.
sourceFields are the field values at the vertices of the mesh.
points are the interpolation points.
targetFields are the field values at the interpolation points.

The template parameters can be deduced from the arguments.

  • ISS is the indexed simplex set type. It can be an IndSimpSet or an IndSimpSetIncAdj.
  • SourceFieldArray is an ADS array of the source fields.
  • PointArray is an ADS array of points.
  • TargetFieldArray is an ADS array of the target fields.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , class PointArray , class IndexArray >
void transferIndices ( const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
const PointArray &  points,
IndexArray *  indices 
) [related, inherited]

Determine the simplex indices in an ISS for transfering fields.

Determine the simplex indices in the source mesh that should be used for transfering fields to the specified points.

mesh is the simplicial mesh.
points are the interpolation points.
indices are indices of simplices in the mesh that should be used in transfering fields. The indices array must be the same size as the points array.

The template parameters can be deduced from the arguments.

  • ISS is the indexed simplex set type. It can be an IndSimpSet or an IndSimpSetIncAdj.
  • PointArray is an ADS array of points.
  • IndexArray is an ADS array of indices.
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3