Report penetrations.


template<std::size_t N, typename T >
maximumIncidentEdgeLength (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, N, T > &mesh, std::size_t n)
 Return the maximum incident edge length.
template<std::size_t N, typename T , typename PointRandomAccessIterator , typename TupleOutputIterator >
std::size_t IndSimpSetIncAdj::reportPenetrations (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, N, T > &mesh, PointRandomAccessIterator pointsBeginning, PointRandomAccessIterator pointsEnd, TupleOutputIterator penetrations)
 Report the points that penetrate the solid mesh.
template<std::size_t N, typename T >
IndSimpSetIncAdj::maximumRelativePenetration (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, N, T > &mesh)
 Report the maximum relative penetration for a boundary node.

Function Documentation

template<std::size_t N, typename T >
T maximumRelativePenetration ( const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, N, T > &  mesh  )  [related, inherited]

Report the maximum relative penetration for a boundary node.

mesh The solid mesh.
The maximum relative penetration.

Let the mesh have C components. We consider penetrations of boundary nodes from one component into another component. We do not consider possible self-penetrations within a single component. The relative penetration of a node is the penetration distance divided by the maximum incident edge length.

template<std::size_t N, typename T , typename PointRandomAccessIterator , typename TupleOutputIterator >
std::size_t reportPenetrations ( const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, N, T > &  mesh,
PointRandomAccessIterator  pointsBeginning,
PointRandomAccessIterator  pointsEnd,
TupleOutputIterator  penetrations 
) [related, inherited]

Report the points that penetrate the solid mesh.

mesh The solid mesh.
pointsBeginning The beginning of a list of points.
pointsEnd The end of a list of points.
penetrations Output iterator for the penetrations.
The number of points that penetrate the solid.

Penetrations are reported as a 3-tuple: point index, mesh simplex index, and closest point on the mesh boundary. The structure for this is std::tr1::tuple<std::size_t, std::size_t, std::tr1::array<T,3> > .

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3