Vertices on a manifold


template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , int MM, bool MA, typename MT , typename MV , typename MIS , typename IntOutIter >
void IndSimpSet::determineVerticesOnManifold (const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, const IndSimpSet< N, MM, MA, MT, MV, MIS > &manifold, IntOutIter indexIterator, T epsilon=std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()))
 Get the vertices on the manifold.
template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename IntInIter , int MM, bool MA, typename MT , typename MV , typename MIS , typename IntOutIter >
void IndSimpSet::determineVerticesOnManifold (const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, IntInIter indicesBeginning, IntInIter indicesEnd, const IndSimpSet< N, MM, MA, MT, MV, MIS > &manifold, IntOutIter indexIterator, T epsilon=std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()))
 Get the vertices (from the set of vertices) on the manifold.

Detailed Description

These functions determine the vertices on a manifold.

Function Documentation

template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename IntInIter , int MM, bool MA, typename MT , typename MV , typename MIS , typename IntOutIter >
void determineVerticesOnManifold ( const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
IntInIter  indicesBeginning,
IntInIter  indicesEnd,
const IndSimpSet< N, MM, MA, MT, MV, MIS > &  manifold,
IntOutIter  indexIterator,
epsilon = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) 
) [related, inherited]

Get the vertices (from the set of vertices) on the manifold.

template<int N, int M, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , int MM, bool MA, typename MT , typename MV , typename MIS , typename IntOutIter >
void determineVerticesOnManifold ( const IndSimpSet< N, M, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
const IndSimpSet< N, MM, MA, MT, MV, MIS > &  manifold,
IntOutIter  indexIterator,
epsilon = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) 
) [related, inherited]

Get the vertices on the manifold.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3