Geometric functions for simplicial meshes.


template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 1, A, T,
V, IS >::Vertex 
computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 1, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n)
 Return the outward normal at the specified vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 1, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n, typename IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 1, A, T, V, IS >::Vertex *normal)
 Compute the outward normal at the specified vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 2, A, T,
V, IS >::Vertex 
computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n)
 Return the outward normal at the specified boundary vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n, typename IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 2, A, T, V, IS >::Vertex *normal)
 Compute the outward normal at the specified boundary vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T,
V, IS >::Vertex 
computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n)
 Return the outward normal at the specified vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n, typename IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS >::Vertex *normal)
 Compute the outward normal at the specified vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 3, A, T,
V, IS >::Vertex 
computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 3, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n)
 Return the outward normal at the specified boundary vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void computeVertexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 3, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n, typename IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 3, A, T, V, IS >::Vertex *normal)
 Compute the outward normal at the specified boundary vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void computeSimplexNormal (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int simplexIndex, V *simplexNormal)
 Compute the outward normal for the specified simplex (triangle face).
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , bool AA>
void computeSimplexNormals (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, ads::Array< 1, V, AA > *simplexNormals)
 Compute the outward normals for the simplices (triangle faces).
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , bool AA>
void computeSimplexNormals (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 2, 1, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, ads::Array< 1, V, AA > *simplexNormals)
 Compute the outward normals for the simplices (line segments).
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , bool AA>
void computeVertexNormals (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, const ads::Array< 1, V, AA > &simplexNormals, ads::Array< 1, V, AA > *vertexNormals)
 Compute the outward normals for the vertices.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , bool A1, bool A2>
void computeSimplexAndVertexNormals (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, ads::Array< 1, V, A1 > *simplexNormals, ads::Array< 1, V, A2 > *vertexNormals)
 Compute the outward normals for the simplices and vertices.
template<int N, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
computeCosineAngle (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, 1, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int vertexIndex)
 Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
computeCosineAngle (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, const typename IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS >::Face &face)
 Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified 1-face.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
computeCosineBoundaryAngle (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int vertexIndex)
 Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified boundary vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
computeAngle (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, int n)
 Return the solid interior angle at the specified vertex.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename OutputIterator >
void projectAndGetSimplices (const IndSimpSet< 2, 1, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, OutputIterator simplices)
 Project the line segments to 1-D and collect them.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS , typename OutputIterator >
void projectAndGetSimplices (const IndSimpSet< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, OutputIterator simplices)
 Project the triangle simplices to 2-D and collect them.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
T computeCosineAngle ( const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
const typename IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS >::Face &  face 
) [inline]

Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified 1-face.

The 1-face must have two incident simplices.
template<int N, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
T computeCosineAngle ( const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, 1, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
int  vertexIndex 
) [inline]

Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified vertex.

The vertex must have two incident simplices.
template<bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
T computeCosineBoundaryAngle ( const IndSimpSetIncAdj< 3, 2, A, T, V, IS > &  mesh,
int  vertexIndex 
) [inline]

Return the cosine of the interior angle at the specified boundary vertex.

It must be a boundary vertex.

The angle is in the range [0..pi].

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3