Content: Volume


template<int N, typename T >
computeVolume (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &d)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
computeVolume (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &d)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
computeContent (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p)
 Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].
template<typename T >
void computeGradientOfVolume (const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &d, ads::FixedArray< 3, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfVolume (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &a, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &b, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &c, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &d, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.
template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent (const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &p, ads::FixedArray< N, T > *gradient)
 Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

template<int N, typename T >
T computeContent ( const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &  p  )  [inline]

Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].

In 3-D the volume is signed. In N-D the volume is unsigned for N > 3.

This is simply a wrapper for computeVolume().

References computeVolume().

template<int N, typename T >
T computeContent ( const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  a,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  b,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  c,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  d 
) [inline]

Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.

In 3-D the volume is signed. In N-D the volume is unsigned for N > 3.

This is simply a wrapper for computeVolume().

References computeVolume().

template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent ( const ads::FixedArray< 4, ads::FixedArray< N, T > > &  p,
ads::FixedArray< N, T > *  gradient 
) [inline]

Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points p[0], p[1], p[2] and p[3].

This is simply a wrapper for computeGradientOfVolume().

References computeGradientOfVolume().

template<int N, typename T >
void computeGradientOfContent ( const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  a,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  b,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  c,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  d,
ads::FixedArray< N, T > *  gradient 
) [inline]

Calculate the gradient (with respect to a) of the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.

This is simply a wrapper for computeGradientOfVolume().

References computeGradientOfVolume().

template<int N, typename T >
T computeVolume ( const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  a,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  b,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  c,
const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &  d 
) [inline]

Return the volume of the tetrahedron with points a, b, c and d.

In 3-D the volume is signed. In N-D the volume is unsigned for N > 3.

Referenced by computeContent().

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