Spatial Indexing Package

This package is a C++ templated class library designed to support adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) for logically Cartesian, structured meshes. A heirarchy of sub-grids are stored in a tree data structure. Each node of the tree is a structured mesh with the same index ranges. In N-dimensional space, refinement replaces a single mesh with 2N meshes; coarsening does the opposite. The application developer typically provides the following:

Notable features include:

This package has a linear orthree called geom::OrthtreeMap . Each leaf has an associated spatial index (implemented in geom::SpatialIndex) that encodes its level and position in the tree.

Use this sub-package by including the desired class or by including the file spatialIndexing.h.

Follow the links below for documentation and results.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3