Algorithms for mesh optimization fall into three categories.
- Geometric optimization: Vertices are moved to improve mesh quality. The topology is unchanged.
- Topological optimization: Reconnect the vertices to form different cells with better quality. This changes the topology of the mesh, but the geometry remains constant.
- Coarsening and refinement: Coarsen the mesh by collapsing edges; refine the mesh by splitting edges. These operations change both the geometry and topology of the mesh.
The simplicial mesh package is composed of three sub-packages:
- The The Simplex Package has quality functions for simplices.
- The Indexed Simplex Set Package has support for mesh generation and geometric optimization. It also has data structures for effeciently computing distance to meshes.
- The Simplicial Mesh Package has support for topological optimization, coarsening, and refinement of simplicial meshes.
Each of these sub-packages has a header file in the geom/mesh
directory. You can include all of the sub-packages by including the file geom/mesh.h