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All computations on this page have been carried out with solvers in my AMROC framework using routines from the Virtual Test Facility. Note, however, that AMROC has progressed significantly beyond the currently released version V2.0 in terms of scalability, lattice Boltzmann and multiphase solvers, coupling to structural solvers, etc. A new release V3.0 is planned. In the meantime, please send me email to inquire about solvers that are not available from the VTF download page. See the AMROC course page for a statement about free-to-use and restricted solvers in AMROC/VTF.

Weakly compressible exterior flows

Flow over a prototype car

An adaptive, parallel lattice Boltzmann method for simulating complex wakes behind moving geometries, 9. Norddeutsches Simulationsforum, Sep 2014, Hamburg.

Flow velocity field, pressure on car
AMR levels and blocks

Wake fields created by wind turbines (moving geometry)

An adaptive, parallel lattice Boltzmann method for simulating complex wakes behind moving geometries, 9. Norddeutsches Simulationsforum, Sep 2014, Hamburg.

Vorticity production in array of three Vestas V27 turbines
AMR levels and blocks, single turbine

Further lattice boltzmann computations

Wake from NREL 5MW turbine
Flow over NACA12 profile, Re=372,000, vorticity of AMR levels

Multi-phase flows

High-velocity impact event

Eulerian adaptive finite-difference method for high-velocity impact and penetration problems, J. Comput. Phys., 240: 76-99, 2013.

Pressure [GPa]

Fluid-structure interaction driven by explosions

Blast wave under high way bride

Parallel adaptive fluid-structure interaction simulation of explosions impacting on building structures, Computers & Fluids, 88: 719–729, 2013.

Dynamic refinement
Spread of pressure wave through domain

Hydrogen explosion in reactor building

Massively parallel fluid-structure interaction simulation of blast and explosions impacting on realistic building structures with a block-based AMR method, 2012 SIAM Conference on Parallel Data Processing.

Pressure wave from explosion (program burn model)
Dynamic refinement

Rigid body motion in compressible flows

Motion of spheres in supersonic flow

Dynamical separation of spherical bodies in supersonic flow, J. Fluid Mech., 713: 159-182, 2012.
Shock-wave surfing, J. Fluid Mech., 676: 396-431, 2011.

Schlieren plot of density
Schlieren plot on AMR levels
Comparison between experiment (top) and simulation (bottom)
Knife-edge-type schlieren image

Turbulent mixing in compressible flows

Richtmyer-Meshkov instability between two gases driven by M=1.3 shock wave

Large-eddy simulations of Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in a converging geometry, Physics of Fluids, GALLERY OF FLUID MOTION, 22(9): 091112, 2010.

Schlieren plot of density
2D plots of density and mass fraction
Interface between the two species
AMR levels


Reactive gaseous flows with detailed chemistry and transport

Cellur structures in gaseous detonation waves in stoichiometric low-pressure hydrogen-oxygen-argon mixtures

A parallel adaptive method for simulating shock-induced combustion with detailed chemical kinetics in complex domains Computers & Structures, 87: 769-783, 2009.

Rectangular 3D cell structure, schlieren plot of OH massfraction
Rectangular 3D cell structure, Schlieren plot of density
Regular 2D cell structure, temperature
Evolving 2D cellular structure, temperature, 15 degree pipe bend


Two-phase flows with fluid-structure interaction

Water-hammer driving plate rupture

Efficient fluid-structure interaction simulation of viscoplastic and fracturing thin-shells subjected to underwater shock loading. Fluid-Structure Interaction. Theory, Numerics and Applications, pages 65-80, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel, 2009.

Fluid density and solid velocity, pressure maximum 64MPa
Fluid density and solid velocity, pressure maximum 173MPa

Under-water explosion event

Efficient fluid-structure interaction simulation of viscoplastic and fracturing thin-shells subjected to underwater shock loading. Fluid-Structure Interaction. Theory, Numerics and Applications, pages 65-80, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel, 2009.

Under-water TNT explosion driving plastic plate deformation
2D unter-water explosion below ship hull with expansion of gas bubble and water surface


Plastic fluid-structure interaction driven by detonation

Pre-cut flaps in aluminum tube driven by over-pressure wave behind detonation (program burn model)

Large-scale fluid-structure interaction simulation of viscoplastic and fracturing thin shells subjected to shocks and detonations, Computers & Structures, 85 (11-14): 1049-1065, 2006.

Fluid density, velocity of structure
Schlieren plot of density on AMR levels

Detonation propagating through closed-end pipe in 3D (program burn model)

Pressure, bend
Pressure, full system, lower end closed.


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last update: 12/6/20