HermiteFunctionDerivative< T > Class Template Reference

Class for Hermite interpolation with a number of patches. More...

#include <hermite.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef T Number
 The number type.
typedef Base::argument_type argument_type
 The argument type.
typedef Base::result_type result_type
 The result type.

Public Member Functions

template<typename Function , typename Derivative >
 HermiteFunctionDerivative (const Function &function, const Derivative &derivative, Number closedLowerBound, Number openUpperBound, int numberOfPatches)
 Construct from the functor, its derivative, the range, and the number of patches.
 ~HermiteFunctionDerivative ()
 Trivial destructor.
result_type operator() (argument_type x) const
 Return the interpolated function value.

Detailed Description

template<typename T = double>
class HermiteFunctionDerivative< T >

Class for Hermite interpolation with a number of patches.

This class stores the function and derivative values. This requires half the storage of Hermite, but the interpolation is not as fast.

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