quality.h File Reference

Implements quality measures for IndSimpSet. More...

#include "IndSimpSetIncAdj.h"
#include "topology.h"
#include "../simplex/SimplexModMeanRatio.h"
#include "../simplex/SimplexModCondNum.h"
#include "quality.ipp"

Go to the source code of this file.


template<int M, typename SimpInIter , typename T >
void computeEdgeLengthStatistics (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd, T *minimumLength, T *maximumLength)
 Compute edge length statistics.
template<int M, typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter , typename T >
void computeEdgeLengthStatistics (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd, T *minimumLength, T *maximumLength)
 Compute edge length statistics.
template<int N, bool A, typename T , typename V , typename IS >
void computeEdgeLengthStatistics (const IndSimpSetIncAdj< N, 2, A, T, V, IS > &mesh, T *minimumLength, T *maximumLength, T *meanLength)
 Compute edge length statistics.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
computeMinimumEdgeLength (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd)
 Return the minimum edge length.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
computeMaximumEdgeLength (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd)
 Return the maximum edge length.
template<int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
computeContent (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Return the total content of the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
computeContent (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd)
 Return the total content of the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
void computeContentStatistics (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd, T *minimumContent, T *maximumContent, T *meanContent)
 Calculate content (hypervolume) statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
void computeContentStatistics (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd, T *minimumContent, T *maximumContent, T *meanContent)
 Calculate content (hypervolume) statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
void computeDeterminantStatistics (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd, T *minimumDeterminant, T *maximumDeterminant, T *meanDeterminant)
 Calculate determinant statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
void computeDeterminantStatistics (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd, T *minimumDeterminant, T *maximumDeterminant, T *meanDeterminant)
 Calculate determinant statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
void computeModifiedMeanRatioStatistics (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd, T *minimumModMeanRatio, T *maximumModMeanRatio, T *meanModMeanRatio)
 Calculate modified mean ratio function statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
void computeModifiedMeanRatioStatistics (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd, T *minimumModMeanRatio, T *maximumModMeanRatio, T *meanModMeanRatio)
 Calculate modified mean ratio function statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
void computeModifiedConditionNumberStatistics (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd, T *minimumModCondNum, T *maximumModCondNum, T *meanModCondNum)
 Calculate modified condition number function statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
void computeModifiedConditionNumberStatistics (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd, T *minimumModCondNum, T *maximumModCondNum, T *meanModCondNum)
 Calculate modified condition number function statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
void computeQualityStatistics (VertRAIter vertices, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd, T *minimumContent, T *maximumContent, T *meanContent, T *minimumDeterminant, T *maximumDeterminant, T *meanDeterminant, T *minimumModMeanRatio, T *maximumModMeanRatio, T *meanModMeanRatio, T *minimumModCondNum, T *maximumModCondNum, T *meanModCondNum)
 Calculate quality statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
void computeQualityStatistics (SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd, T *minimumContent, T *maximumContent, T *meanContent, T *minimumDeterminant, T *maximumDeterminant, T *meanDeterminant, T *minimumModMeanRatio, T *maximumModMeanRatio, T *meanModMeanRatio, T *minimumModCondNum, T *maximumModCondNum, T *meanModCondNum)
 Calculate quality statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int N, int M, typename T , typename VertRAIter , typename ISInIter >
void printQualityStatistics (std::ostream &out, VertRAIter verticesBeginning, VertRAIter verticesEnd, ISInIter indexedSimplicesBeginning, ISInIter indexedSimplicesEnd)
 Print quality statistics for the simplices in the mesh.
template<int N, int M, typename T , typename SimpInIter >
void printQualityStatistics (std::ostream &out, SimpInIter simplicesBeginning, SimpInIter simplicesEnd)
 Print quality statistics for the simplices in the mesh.

Detailed Description

Implements quality measures for IndSimpSet.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3