For the finite element method, the simplicial elements of the mesh should be ``well-shaped'' to ensure accuracy and stability of the solution.
Large angles reduce interpolation accuracy. Small or large angles increase the condition number of the stiffness matrix. Poorly conditioned elements slow down solvers and introduce large roundoff errors.
Below are the nine ways the vertices of a tetrahedron may become nearly colinear or coplanar.
Degenerate tetrahedra.
Geometric quality metrics are a function of the geometry of the simplex
The dihedral angle and the insphere and circumsphere used to calculate the aspect ratio.
Algebraic quality metrics are a function of the Jacobian matrix of the affine map that transforms the reference (equilateral) simplex to the physical simplex. The Jacobian matrix
has information about the volume, shape and orientation of the element.
In 3-D, the condition number metric is .
becomes singular when the element volume vanishes.
measures the distance from singular matrices.
In 3-D, the mean ratio metric is .
These metrics are unity for the equilateral tetrahedron and are singular for tetrahedron of zero volume.
These two algebraic quality metrics have a number of desirable properties.
Because of their singularities, these algebraic metrics cannot be used to optimize meshes with inverted elements. Even for good quality meshes, the optimization algorithm may assess the quality of inverted elements in trying to improve the mesh.
We implement the condition number and mean ratio metrics presented in ``Simultaneous Untangling and Smoothing of Tetrahedral Meshes'' by Escobar et al. They modified the metrics to be defined for inverted elements.
Iscosoles triangle of varying height.
The modified and unmodified mean ratio metrics for the triangle are shown in blue and red, respectively.
The Simplex package has algebraic quality metrics for simplices (triangles, tetrahedra, etc.). There are four quality functions: condition number, modified condition number, mean ratio and modified mean ratio. The condition number and mean ratio metrics are defined for simplices with positive content (hypervolume). The modified versions are defined for simplices with positive, zero and negative content.
This package has implementations of the work presented in ``Simultaneous Untangling and Smoothing of Tetrahedral Meshes'' by Escobar et al. in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192 (2003) 2775-2787. Also see:
The four classes which implement the quality metrics are:
These quality metric clases inherit or use functionality from the following classes.
Finally, there are classes for assessing the quality of a complex of simplices that are adjacent to a vertex.
Use these classes by including the file geom/mesh/simplex.h