Simplex< N, V, T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Simplex< N, V, T >, including all inherited members.
begin() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
begin()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
build(const VertexContainer &vertices)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
build(Parameter v)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
build(Parameter v0, Parameter v1)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
build(Parameter v0, Parameter v1, Parameter v2)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
build(Parameter v0, Parameter v1, Parameter v2, Parameter v3)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
build(VertRAIter vertices, const IndSimp &indexed_simplex)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
computeAngle(const Simplex< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, int a, int b)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeAngle(const Simplex< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, int n)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeBBox(BBox< N, Number > *bb) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
computeCentroid(Vertex *centroid) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
computeClosestPoint(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &simplex, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &point, ads::FixedArray< 2, T > *closestPoint)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 1, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 1, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistance(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistance(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistance(const Simplex< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistanceInterior(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 1, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 1, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistanceInterior(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeDistanceInterior(const Simplex< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeOtherIndex(int i, int j, int k)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeOtherIndices(int i, int j, int *a, int *b)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &p, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &n, const ads::FixedArray< N, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x, ads::FixedArray< 2, T > *closestPoint)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &n, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x, ads::FixedArray< 3, T > *closestPoint)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &n, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeSignedDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &n, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x, ads::FixedArray< 3, T > *closestPoint)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeUnsignedDistance(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 1, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 1, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeUnsignedDistance(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
computeUnsignedDistance(const Simplex< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
ConstIterator typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
ConstReference typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
end() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
end()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Face typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
getBeginning() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getBeginning()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getEnd() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getEnd()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getFace(const int n) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getFace(const int n, Face *f) const Simplex< N, V, T >
getSize() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getVertexIndex(const Comparable &v) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
getVertices() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
hasFace(const Simplex< M, V, T > &f) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
hasFace(const Simplex< N, V, T > &simplex, const typename Simplex< N, V, T >::Face &face, int *faceIndex)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
hasFace(const Simplex< N, V, T > &simplex, const typename Simplex< N, V, T >::Face &face)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
hasFace(const Simplex< 3, V, T > &simplex, const V &x, const V &y, const V &z)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
hasFace(const Simplex< 3, V, T > &simplex, const V &x, const V &y, const V &z, int *faceIndex)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
hasVertex(const Comparable &v) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
hasVertex(const Comparable &v, int *n) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
haveSameOrientation(const Simplex< 0, V, T > &x, const Simplex< 0, V, T > &y)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
haveSameOrientation(const Simplex< 1, V, T > &x, const Simplex< 1, V, T > &y)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
haveSameOrientation(const Simplex< 2, V, T > &x, const Simplex< 2, V, T > &y)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
isIn(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 1, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 1, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
isIn(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 2, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
isIn(const Simplex< 3, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, const ads::FixedArray< 3, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
Iterator typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
negate()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Number typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
operator!=(const Simplex< N, V, T > &x, const Simplex< N, V, T > &y)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Simplex< N, V, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
operator=(const Simplex &other)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
operator==(const Simplex< N, V, T > &x, const Simplex< N, V, T > &y)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
operator>>(std::istream &in, Simplex< N, V, T > &x)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
operator[](const int n) const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
operator[](const int n)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Parameter typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
projectToLowerDimension(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > &s, Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 1, T >, T > *t)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
projectToLowerDimension(const Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, Simplex< 1, ads::FixedArray< 1, T >, T > *t)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
projectToLowerDimension(const Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 3, T >, T > &s, Simplex< 2, ads::FixedArray< 2, T >, T > *t)Simplex< N, V, T > [related]
Reference typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
set(const VertexContainer &vertices)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
setEach(Parameter value)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Simplex()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Simplex(const Simplex &other)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Simplex(const VertexContainer &vertices)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline, explicit]
Simplex(Parameter v)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline, explicit]
Simplex(Parameter v0, Parameter v1)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Simplex(Parameter v0, Parameter v1, Parameter v2)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Simplex(Parameter v0, Parameter v1, Parameter v2, Parameter v3)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Simplex(VertRAIter vertices, const IndSimp &indexed_simplex)Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
size() const Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
Value typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
Vertex typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
VertexContainer typedefSimplex< N, V, T >
~Simplex()Simplex< N, V, T > [inline]
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