SimpMeshRed.h File Reference

Class for a tetrahedral mesh with topological optimization capabilities. More...

#include "SmrNode.h"
#include "SmrCell.h"
#include "FaceIterator.h"
#include "../iss/IndSimpSetIncAdj.h"
#include "../simplex/Simplex.h"
#include "../array/FixedArray.h"
#include <functional>
#include "composite_compare.ipp"
#include "AdaptedIterator.h"
#include "../../third-party/loki/TypeManip.h"
#include "../defs.h"
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>

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class  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >
 A simplicial mesh data structure. More...
class  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::IndSimpIter
 An indexed simplex iterator for a SimpMeshRed. More...
class  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::SimpIter
 A simplex iterator for a SimpMeshRed. More...
struct  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::NodeIteratorCompare
 Functor for comparing node iterators by their identifiers. More...
struct  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::CellIteratorCompare
 Functor for comparing cell iterators by their identifiers. More...
struct  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::FaceCompare
 Functor for comparing faces. More...
struct  SimpMeshRed< _N, _M, T, _Node, _Cell, Container >::FaceIteratorCompare
 Functor for comparing face iterators. More...

Detailed Description

Class for a tetrahedral mesh with topological optimization capabilities.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:57 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3