amroc/hds/DAGHDistribution.h File Reference

The partioner. More...

#include "DAGHParams.h"
#include "DAGHDefaults.h"
#include "GridUnit.h"
#include "GridUnitList.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  DAGHSpan
class  DAGHDistribution
 The partioner. More...


typedef unsigned long(* WorkFunc )(const unsigned long *numelems, const int *level)

Detailed Description

The partioner.

Manish Parashar, Ralf Deiterding (minor changes)

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned long(* WorkFunc)(const unsigned long *numelems, const int *level)
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:19:00 2016 for AMROC's Hierachical Data Structures by  doxygen 1.6.3