We start with a mesh of a cylinder. It has unit height and radius 0.5. The edges of the tetrahedra have lengths close to 0.1. In the figures below, we show the modified condition number of the elements.
cp ../../../data/geom/mesh/33/cylinder_0.5_1_0.1.txt mesh.txt
The initial mesh of the cylinder.
cp ../../../data/geom/mesh/32/cylinder_0.5_1_0.05.txt boundary.txt
The boundary mesh and the edge features.
python.exe ../../../data/geom/mesh/utilities/vertices_map.py twist mesh.txt twisted.txt
The twisted mesh.
optimization/geomOptBoundaryCondition3.exe -sweeps=5 boundary.txt twisted.txt surfaceOptimized.txt
Geometric optimization using the boundary as a surface.
optimization/topologicalOptimize3.exe -angle=3.15 surfaceOptimized.txt surfaceOptimized.txt
Geometric and topological optimization using the boundary as a surface.
Three cycles of geometric and topological optimization using the boundary as a surface.
optimization/geometricOptimize3.exe -sweeps=5 -boundary=boundary.txt -featureDistance=0.01 -dihedralAngle=0.5 twisted.txt manifoldOptimized.txt
Geometric optimization using the boundary as a manifold with edge features.
optimization/topologicalOptimize3.exe -manifold=boundary.txt -angle=0.5 manifoldOptimized.txt manifoldOptimized.txt
Geometric and topological optimization using the boundary as a manifold with edge features.
Three cycles of geometric and topological optimization using the boundary as a manifold with edge features.