SmrCell< SMR > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SmrCell< SMR >, including all inherited members.
CellConstIterator typedefSmrCell< SMR >
CellIterator typedefSmrCell< SMR >
CellIteratorSimplex typedefSmrCell< SMR >
computeMaximumEdgeLength(int *a, int *b) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
computeMaximumEdgeLength() const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
computeMinimumEdgeLength(int *a, int *b) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
computeMinimumEdgeLength() const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
doesCellHaveIncidentFaceOnBoundary(const typename SMR::CellConstIterator &c, int i, int j)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
Face typedefSmrCell< SMR >
getCentroid(Vertex *centroid) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getFace(const int m, Face *f)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getIdentifier() const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getIndex(NodeConstIterator node) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getIndex(NodeIterator node) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getIndex(const Face &f) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getIndex(CellConstIterator c) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getMirrorIndex(const int m) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getMirrorVertex(const int m)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getNeighbor(const int m) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getNeighbor(const int m)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getNode(const int m) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getNode(const int m)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getNodes() const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getNumberOfNeighbors() const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getSelf() const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getSelf()SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
getSimplex(Simplex< M, Vertex > *simplex)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
hasFace(typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::Cell::Face &face, int *faceIndex)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
hasFace(typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::Cell::Face &face)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
hasFace(typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator a, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator b, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator c, int *faceIndex)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
hasFace(typename SMR::CellConstIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator a, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator b, typename SMR::NodeConstIterator c)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
hasFace(typename SMR::CellIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeIterator a, typename SMR::NodeIterator b, typename SMR::NodeIterator c, int *faceIndex)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
hasFace(typename SMR::CellIterator cell, typename SMR::NodeIterator a, typename SMR::NodeIterator b, typename SMR::NodeIterator c)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
hasIncidentBoundaryFace(NodeConstIterator node) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
hasIncidentBoundaryFace(const int n) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
hasNeighbor(CellConstIterator c) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
hasNeighbor(CellConstIterator c, int *m) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
hasNode(NodeConstIterator node) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
hasNode(NodeConstIterator node, int *m) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
isFaceOnBoundary(const int m) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
isOnBoundary(const typename SMR::CellConstIterator &c, int i, int j)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
isOnBoundary(const typename SMR::Edge &edge)SmrCell< SMR > [related]
M enum value (defined in SmrCell< SMR >)SmrCell< SMR >
Mesh typedefSmrCell< SMR >
negate()SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
NodeConstIterator typedefSmrCell< SMR >
NodeIterator typedefSmrCell< SMR >
NodeIteratorSimplex typedefSmrCell< SMR >
Number typedefSmrCell< SMR >
operator=(const SmrCell &other)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
put(std::ostream &out) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
removeNeighbor(const CellIterator c)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
setIdentifier(const int identifier) const SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
setNeighbor(const int m, const CellIterator c)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
setNode(const int m, const NodeIterator node)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
setSelf(const CellIterator self)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
SmrCell()SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
SmrCell(const NodeIterator v0, const NodeIterator v1, const CellIterator c0=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c1=CellIterator(0), const int identifier=-1)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
SmrCell(const NodeIterator v0, const NodeIterator v1, const NodeIterator v2, const CellIterator c0=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c1=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c2=CellIterator(0), const int identifier=-1)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
SmrCell(const NodeIterator v0, const NodeIterator v1, const NodeIterator v2, const NodeIterator v3, const CellIterator c0=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c1=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c2=CellIterator(0), const CellIterator c3=CellIterator(0), const int identifier=-1)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
SmrCell(const SmrCell &other)SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
unlink()SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
Vertex typedefSmrCell< SMR >
~SmrCell()SmrCell< SMR > [inline]
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