BBox< N, T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BBox< N, T >, including all inherited members.
add(const Point &p)Interval< N, T >
add(const Interval &x)Interval< N, T >
BBox()BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const Point &min, const Point &max)BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const Number xmin, const Number xmax)BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const Number xmin, const Number ymin, const Number xmax, const Number ymax)BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const Number xmin, const Number ymin, const Number zmin, const Number xmax, const Number ymax, const Number zmax)BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const Number *coordinates)BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const BBox &other)BBox< N, T > [inline]
BBox(const Interval< N, T > &x)BBox< N, T > [inline]
bound(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)Interval< N, T > [inline]
bound(const Point &p)Interval< N, T >
bound(const Point &p, const Point &q)Interval< N, T >
bound(const Point &p, const Point &q, const Point &r)Interval< N, T >
computeContent() const Interval< N, T > [inline]
computeIntersection(const Interval< N, T > &a, const Interval< N, T > &b)Interval< N, T > [related]
computeIntersection(const Interval< N, T > &a, const Interval< N, T > &b, Interval< N, T > *x)Interval< N, T > [related]
doOverlap(const BBox< N, T > &a, const BBox< N, T > &b)BBox< N, T > [related]
doOverlap(const BBox< N, T > &a, const SemiOpenInterval< N, T > &b)BBox< N, T > [related]
Interval::doOverlap(const Interval< N, T > &a, const Interval< N, T > &b)Interval< N, T > [related]
getDimension()Interval< N, T > [inline, static]
getLowerCorner() const Interval< N, T > [inline]
getUpperCorner() const Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval()Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval(const Point &min, const Point &max)Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval(const Number xmin, const Number xmax)Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval(const Number xmin, const Number ymin, const Number xmax, const Number ymax)Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval(const Number xmin, const Number ymin, const Number zmin, const Number xmax, const Number ymax, const Number zmax)Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval(const Number *coordinates)Interval< N, T > [inline]
Interval(const Interval &other)Interval< N, T > [inline]
isEmpty() const BBox< N, T >
isIn(const PointType &p) const BBox< N, T > [inline]
isIn(const BBox &x) const BBox< N, T >
isIn(const SemiOpenInterval< N, T > &x) const BBox< N, T >
Number typedefBBox< N, T >
operator!=(const Interval< N, T > &a, const Interval< N, T > &b)Interval< N, T > [related]
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Interval< N, T > &x)Interval< N, T > [related]
operator=(const BBox &other)BBox< N, T > [inline]
Interval::operator=(const Interval &other)Interval< N, T >
operator==(const Interval< N, T > &a, const Interval< N, T > &b)Interval< N, T > [related]
operator>>(std::istream &in, Interval< N, T > &x)Interval< N, T > [related]
Point typedefBBox< N, T >
printFormatted(std::ostream &out, const BBox< N, T > &x)BBox< N, T > [related]
Interval::printFormatted(std::ostream &out, const Interval< N, T > &x)Interval< N, T > [related]
scanConvert(MultiIndexOutputIterator indices, const BBox< 3, T > &box)BBox< N, T > [related]
scanConvert(MultiIndexOutputIterator indices, const BBox< 3, int > &box)BBox< N, T > [related]
scanConvert(MultiIndexOutputIterator indices, const BBox< 3, T > &box, const BBox< 3, int > &domain)BBox< N, T > [related]
scanConvert(MultiIndexOutputIterator indices, const BBox< 3, int > &box, const BBox< 3, int > &domain)BBox< N, T > [related]
setCorners(const Point &lowerCorner, const Point &upperCorner)Interval< N, T > [inline]
setLowerCoordinate(const int index, const Number value)Interval< N, T > [inline]
setLowerCorner(const Point &lowerCorner)Interval< N, T > [inline]
setUpperCoordinate(const int index, const Number value)Interval< N, T > [inline]
setUpperCorner(const Point &upperCorner)Interval< N, T > [inline]
~BBox()BBox< N, T > [inline]
~Interval()Interval< N, T > [inline]
Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:14:58 2016 for Computational Geometry Package by  doxygen 1.6.3