c ===================================================== subroutine combl() c ===================================================== c c Create and initialize application specific common-blocks. c c Copyright (C) 2003-2007 California Institute of Technology c Ralf Deiterding, ralf@cacr.caltech.edu c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c include "cuser.i" character *16 cwork parameter( lin = 8, lmechout = 13 ) c Wref = 1.d6 a2ref = 1.d3 c Air gamma = 1.4d0 gamma1 = 0.4d0 Wk = 29.08d-3/Wref cwork= 'AIR' RU = 0.83140000E+01/(Wref*a2ref) PA = 0.10132500E+06/a2ref c open(unit=lmechout, status='unknown', form='formatted', & file='chem.dat') write (lmechout,400) RU write (lmechout,401) PA write (lmechout,402) gamma write (lmechout,403) cwork write (lmechout,404) Wk close (lmechout) c 400 format('RU ',e16.8) 401 format('PA ',e16.8) 402 format('Gamma ',e16.8) 403 format('Sp ',a16) 404 format('W ',e16.8) c open(unit=lin,status='old',form='formatted',file='init.dat') read (lin, *) rhoamb, uamb, pamb read (lin, *) rhoshk, ushk, pshk read (lin, *) sloc read (lin, *) ibnd close (lin) c alf = 1.d0 beta = 0.d0 idisc = 0 x0 = sloc y0 = 0.d0 c return end c