centered_difference.h File Reference

Numerical differentiation with centered difference schemes. More...

#include "../defs.h"
#include "../../ads/array/FixedArray.h"
#include "ArrayTypes.h"
#include "../algorithm/is_sorted.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include "FixedArray.ipp"
#include "FixedArray0.h"
#include "FixedArray1.h"
#include "FixedArray2.h"
#include "FixedArray3.h"

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class  DerivativeCenteredDifference< Functor >
 The numerical derivative of a functor. More...
class  GradientCenteredDifference< N, Functor, T >
 The numerical gradient of a functor. More...


template<class Functor >
void derivative_centered_difference (const Functor &f, const typename Functor::argument_type x, typename Functor::result_type &deriv, const typename Functor::argument_type delta=std::pow(std::numeric_limits< typename Functor::argument_type >::epsilon(), 1.0/3.0))
 Calculate f'(x).
template<class Functor >
Functor::result_type derivative_centered_difference (const Functor &f, const typename Functor::argument_type x, const typename Functor::argument_type delta=std::pow(std::numeric_limits< typename Functor::argument_type >::epsilon(), 1.0/3.0))
 Return f'(x).
template<int N, class Functor , typename T >
void gradient_centered_difference (const Functor &f, typename Functor::argument_type x, ads::FixedArray< N, typename Functor::result_type > &gradient, const T delta=std::pow(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon(), 1.0/3.0))
 Calculate the gradient of f at x.
template<int N, class Functor , typename T >
ads::FixedArray< N, typename
Functor::result_type > 
gradient_centered_difference (const Functor &f, typename Functor::argument_type x, const T delta=std::pow(std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon(), 1.0/3.0))
 Return the gradient of f at x.

Detailed Description

Numerical differentiation with centered difference schemes.

Generated on Thu Jun 30 02:15:00 2016 for Numerical Algorithms Package by  doxygen 1.6.3