00020 #include "VisualGrid.h"
00021 #include "HDFToFile/FileVisualGridBase.h"
00022 #include "EncodeToBase64.h"
00023 #include <strings.h>
00024 #include <cctype>
00025 #include <hlimits.h>
00027 #if defined(HAVE_LIBSILO) || defined(HAVE_LIBSILOH5)
00028 #include <silo.h>
00029 #endif
00031 #define PROBE_TOLERANCE 1.e-6
00033 typedef float points_list_type[][3];
00034 typedef int cons_list_type[][8];
00042 template <class VectorType>
00043 class FileVisualGrid : public FileVisualGridBase,
00044 public VisualGrid<VectorType> {
00045 typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00046 typedef VisualGrid<VectorType> base;
00047 public:
00048 typedef typename base::data_block_type data_block_type;
00049 typedef typename base::block_list_type block_list_type;
00050 typedef typename base::hierarchy_storage_type hierarchy_storage_type;
00051 typedef typename base::hdata_block_type hdata_block_type;
00052 typedef typename base::evaluator_type evaluator_type;
00053 typedef typename base::point_list_type point_list_type;
00055 typedef std::multimap<float, int> index_ordered_map_type;
00056 typedef std::pair<float, int> ordered_index_type;
00058 public:
00059 FileVisualGrid(evaluator_type* ev) : FileVisualGridBase(ev),
00060 base(ev), OutputType(0), OutputStep(-1) {
00061 base::_BlockList = (block_list_type *) new block_list_type;
00062 nkeys = 0;
00063 keys = (int *) 0;
00064 OutputName = "-";
00065 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00066 LinePoint[d] = 0.0;
00067 LineVector[d] = 0.0;
00068 RegData[d] = 10;
00069 }
00070 RegLim[0] = FLT_MIN;
00071 RegLim[1] = FLT_MAX;
00072 RegMax = 1;
00073 LevelCutOut = 0;
00074 PointOutput = 0;
00075 _Step = -1;
00076 FileMerge = 1;
00077 InputFile = "";
00078 }
00080 ~FileVisualGrid() {
00081 if (keys) delete [] keys;
00082 for (typename block_list_type::iterator bit=BlockList().begin();
00083 bit!=BlockList().end(); bit++)
00084 delete (*bit);
00085 BlockList().clear();
00086 delete base::_BlockList;
00087 }
00089 virtual void update() {
00090 std::string iname;
00091 if (UpdateName()) iname = *UpdateName();
00092 else iname = "display_file.in";
00095 std::ifstream infile;
00096 std::ofstream outfile;
00097 infile.open(iname.c_str(), std::ios::in);
00098 if (!infile) {
00099 if (!UpdateName()) {
00100 outfile.open(iname.c_str(), std::ios::out);
00101 outfile << "Type 6\n\nDisplayMinLevel 0\nDisplayMaxLevel 10\n\n";
00102 outfile << "FileName convert\nFileType 6\nKeys p,t,s,i\n";
00103 outfile.close();
00104 }
00105 }
00106 else{
00107 infile.close();
00108 }
00110 ControlDevice DisplayCtrl(GetFileControlDevice(iname.c_str(),""));
00111 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"Type",base::_FKeys);
00112 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"FileName",OutputName);
00113 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"FileType",OutputType);
00114 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"FileStep",OutputStep);
00115 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"Keys",StrKeys);
00116 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"DisplayMinLevel",base::_MinLevel);
00117 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"DisplayMaxLevel",base::_MaxLevel);
00118 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"CutOut",base::_Eliminate);
00119 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"CutOutValue",base::_EliminateValue);
00120 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"RegularMax",RegMax);
00121 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"RegularLimit(1)",RegLim[0]);
00122 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"RegularLimit(2)",RegLim[1]);
00123 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"PointOutput",PointOutput);
00124 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"LevelCutOut",LevelCutOut);
00125 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"FileMerge",FileMerge);
00126 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"InputFile",InputFile);
00127 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00128 char VariableName[16];
00129 std::sprintf(VariableName,"ShowMin(%d)",d+1);
00130 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,base::show[2*d]);
00131 std::sprintf(VariableName,"ShowMax(%d)",d+1);
00132 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,base::show[2*d+1]);
00133 std::sprintf(VariableName,"ShowCut(%d)",d+1);
00134 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,base::cut[d]);
00135 std::sprintf(VariableName,"Symmetry(%d)",d+1);
00136 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,base::Symmetry[d]);
00137 std::sprintf(VariableName,"Periodic(%d)",d+1);
00138 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,base::Periodic[d]);
00139 std::sprintf(VariableName,"LinePoint(%d)",d+1);
00140 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,LinePoint[d]);
00141 std::sprintf(VariableName,"LineVector(%d)",d+1);
00142 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,LineVector[d]);
00143 std::sprintf(VariableName,"RegularData(%d)",d+1);
00144 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,VariableName,RegData[d]);
00145 }
00147 ControlDevice WhereCtrl, ToCtrl, FromCtrl;
00148 for (register int l=0; l<MAXLEV; l++) {
00149 char devno[8];
00150 std::sprintf(devno,"(%d)",l);
00151 WhereCtrl = DisplayCtrl.getSubDevice("Where"+std::string(devno));
00152 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00153 char text[8];
00154 std::sprintf(text,"lb(%d)",d+1);
00155 RegisterAt(WhereCtrl,text,base::_where[l].lower(d));
00156 std::sprintf(text,"ub(%d)",d+1);
00157 RegisterAt(WhereCtrl,text,base::_where[l].upper(d));
00158 std::sprintf(text,"s(%d)",d+1);
00159 RegisterAt(WhereCtrl,text,base::_where[l].stepsize(d));
00160 }
00161 ToCtrl = DisplayCtrl.getSubDevice("To"+std::string(devno));
00162 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00163 char text[8];
00164 std::sprintf(text,"lb(%d)",d+1);
00165 RegisterAt(ToCtrl,text,base::_to[l].lower(d));
00166 std::sprintf(text,"ub(%d)",d+1);
00167 RegisterAt(ToCtrl,text,base::_to[l].upper(d));
00168 std::sprintf(text,"s(%d)",d+1);
00169 RegisterAt(ToCtrl,text,base::_to[l].stepsize(d));
00170 }
00171 FromCtrl = DisplayCtrl.getSubDevice("From"+std::string(devno));
00172 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00173 char text[8];
00174 std::sprintf(text,"lb(%d)",d+1);
00175 RegisterAt(FromCtrl,text,base::_from[l].lower(d));
00176 std::sprintf(text,"ub(%d)",d+1);
00177 RegisterAt(FromCtrl,text,base::_from[l].upper(d));
00178 std::sprintf(text,"s(%d)",d+1);
00179 RegisterAt(FromCtrl,text,base::_from[l].stepsize(d));
00180 }
00181 }
00182 RegisterAt(DisplayCtrl,"RestrictData",base::RestrictData);
00184 TheEvaluator().register_at(DisplayCtrl,"");
00185 DisplayCtrl.update();
00187 TheEvaluator().update();
00188 }
00190 virtual int SetUp(int step, std::string** filenames, int Nfilenames) {
00191 int res;
00192 if ((OutputType==0 || OutputType==1 || OutputType==20) && !InputFile.empty())
00193 base::_Eliminate = 0;
00194 if (OutputType==6 || OutputType==7) {
00195 base::_CutOut = 0;
00196 _Step = step;
00197 }
00198 if (OutputType==15)
00199 if (LevelCutOut<=0 && FKeys()!=1)
00200 base::_CutOut = 0;
00202 if ((res=base::SetUp(step,filenames,Nfilenames)) >= 0) {
00203 char append_str[32], time[20];
00204 base::OutputFileTime(time, step);
00205 if (OutputName != "-") {
00206 if (OutputType>=0 && OutputType<=2)
00207 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.txt",time);
00208 else if (OutputType>=3 && OutputType<=5)
00209 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.dx",time);
00210 else if (OutputType==8)
00211 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.dat",time);
00212 else if (OutputType==10 || OutputType==11)
00213 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.vtk",time);
00214 else if (OutputType==12 || OutputType==13)
00215 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.vtu",time);
00216 else if (OutputType==15)
00217 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.silo",time);
00218 else if (OutputType==20)
00219 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.tec",time);
00220 else if (OutputType==-1)
00221 std::sprintf(append_str,"_%s.txt",time);
00222 if (OutputType<=5 || OutputType>=8) OutputName += append_str;
00223 }
00225 int* work = new int[StrKeys.length()];
00226 for (unsigned int sk=0; sk<StrKeys.length(); sk++)
00227 for (int i=0; i<TheEvaluator().NKeys(); i++)
00228 if (TheEvaluator().KeyboardKeys()[i] == StrKeys.c_str()[sk]) {
00229 work[nkeys] = i+1; nkeys++;
00230 }
00232 if (keys) delete [] keys;
00233 keys = new int[nkeys];
00234 for (int k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00235 keys[k] = work[k];
00237 delete work;
00238 }
00239 return res;
00240 }
00243 virtual void Write() {
00244 if (OutputType>=6 && OutputType<=7 && OutputName=="-")
00245 OutputName = "out";
00246 if (OutputName != "-") {
00247 if (OutputType <= 5 || ( OutputType >= 8 && OutputType < 15 ) ||
00248 OutputType == 20) {
00249 std::ofstream outfile;
00250 outfile.open(OutputName.c_str(), std::ios::out);
00251 std::ostream* out = new std::ostream(outfile.rdbuf());
00252 if (OutputType == 0)
00253 WriteASCIITabular(0,0,*out);
00254 else if (OutputType == 1)
00255 WriteASCIITabular(1,0,*out);
00256 else if (OutputType == 2)
00257 WriteRegularTabular(*out);
00258 else if (OutputType == 3)
00259 WriteDXFile(*out);
00260 else if (OutputType == 4)
00261 WriteDXASCIIFile(*out);
00262 else if (OutputType == 5)
00263 WriteDXExternalFilter(*out);
00264 else if (OutputType == 8)
00265 WriteTecplotASCII(*out);
00266 else if (OutputType == 10)
00267 WriteVTKASCIIFile(*out);
00268 else if (OutputType == 11)
00269 WriteVTKFile(*out);
00270 else if (OutputType == 12)
00271 WriteVTUASCIIFile(*out);
00272 else if (OutputType == 13)
00273 WriteVTUFile(*out);
00274 else if (OutputType == 20)
00275 WriteTecplotASCIIMeshFile(*out);
00276 else if (OutputType == -1)
00277 WriteMeshSweep(*out);
00278 outfile.close();
00279 delete out;
00280 }
00281 else if (OutputType == 6)
00282 WriteHDFConvert(0);
00283 else if (OutputType == 7)
00284 WriteHDFConvert(1);
00285 else if (OutputType == 15)
00286 WriteSiloFile((char *)OutputName.c_str());
00287 }
00288 else {
00289 if (OutputType == 0)
00290 WriteASCIITabular(0,0,std::cout);
00291 else if (OutputType == 1)
00292 WriteASCIITabular(1,0,std::cout);
00293 else if (OutputType == 2)
00294 WriteRegularTabular(std::cout);
00295 else if (OutputType == 3)
00296 WriteDXFile(std::cout);
00297 else if (OutputType == 4)
00298 WriteDXASCIIFile(std::cout);
00299 else if (OutputType == 5)
00300 WriteDXExternalFilter(std::cout);
00301 else if (OutputType == 8)
00302 WriteTecplotASCII(std::cout);
00303 else if (OutputType == 10)
00304 WriteVTKASCIIFile(std::cout);
00305 else if (OutputType == 11)
00306 WriteVTKFile(std::cout);
00307 else if (OutputType == 12)
00308 WriteVTUASCIIFile(std::cout);
00309 else if (OutputType == 13)
00310 WriteVTUFile(std::cout);
00311 else if (OutputType == 15)
00312 WriteSiloFile(0);
00313 else if (OutputType == 20)
00314 WriteTecplotASCIIMeshFile(std::cout);
00315 else if (OutputType == -1)
00316 WriteMeshSweep(std::cout);
00317 }
00318 }
00320 void WriteMeshSweep(std::ostream& out) {
00321 if (!keys) return;
00322 int length;
00323 if (FKeys() == 1)
00324 length = NNodes();
00325 else
00326 length = NCells();
00328 float* dat = new float[length];
00329 for (int k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
00330 for (register int i=0; i<length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
00331 SetScal(&(keys[k]),dat);
00332 float min=FLT_MAX, max=FLT_MIN, sum=0.;
00333 for (register int i=0; i<length; i++) {
00334 min = Min(min,*(dat+i));
00335 max = Max(max,*(dat+i));
00336 sum += *(dat+i);
00337 }
00338 out << min << " " << max << " " << sum << std::endl;
00339 }
00340 delete [] dat;
00341 }
00343 void WriteRegularTabular(std::ostream& out) {
00344 if (!keys) return;
00345 int length;
00346 if (FKeys() == 1)
00347 length = NNodes();
00348 else
00349 length = NCells();
00351 float* xyz = new float[3*length];
00352 SetGrid((float (*)[3]) xyz);
00353 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
00354 float* val = new float[nkeys];
00355 for (int i=0; i<nkeys*length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
00356 for (int k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00357 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
00359 float regdx[3], reggeom[6];
00360 int xd = -1, yd = -1, fd = -1;
00361 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00362 if (base::DimUsed(d)==0 || base::show[2*d]>=base::show[2*d+1]) {
00363 reggeom[2*d] = base::geom[2*d]; reggeom[2*d+1] = base::geom[2*d+1];
00364 }
00365 else {
00366 reggeom[2*d] = Max(base::show[2*d],base::geom[2*d]);
00367 reggeom[2*d+1] = Min(base::show[2*d+1],base::geom[2*d+1]);
00368 }
00369 if (RegData[d]>0) regdx[d] = (reggeom[2*d+1] - reggeom[2*d])/RegData[d];
00370 else regdx[d] = 0.0;
00371 if (yd<0 && xd>=0 && regdx[d]>0.0) yd = d;
00372 if (xd<0 && regdx[d]>0.0) xd = d;
00373 if (fd<0 && regdx[d]==0.0) fd = d;
00374 }
00375 float xs = reggeom[2*xd] + (FKeys()==1 ? 0.0 : regdx[xd]/2.0);
00376 while (xs<=reggeom[2*xd+1] && regdx[xd]>0.0) {
00377 float ys = reggeom[2*yd] + (FKeys()==1 ? 0.0 : regdx[yd]/2.0);
00378 while (ys<=reggeom[2*yd+1] && regdx[yd]>0.0) {
00379 float mindist=FLT_MAX;
00380 float fddist=(RegMax ? FLT_MIN : FLT_MAX);
00381 int inearest = -1;
00382 for (register int i=0; i<length; i++) {
00383 float sum=std::sqrt((xs-xyz[3*i+xd])*(xs-xyz[3*i+xd])+
00384 (ys-xyz[3*i+yd])*(ys-xyz[3*i+yd]));
00385 if (sum<mindist-PROBE_TOLERANCE*(mindist>0?mindist:1.0) ||
00386 inearest<0) {
00387 mindist = sum;
00388 inearest = i;
00389 }
00390 if (fd>=0 && sum<mindist+PROBE_TOLERANCE*(mindist>0?mindist:1.0)) {
00391 if (RegMax && xyz[3*i+fd]>fddist &&
00392 dat[i]>=RegLim[0] && dat[i]<=RegLim[1]) {
00393 fddist = xyz[3*i+fd]; inearest = i;
00394 }
00395 if (!RegMax && xyz[3*i+fd]<fddist &&
00396 dat[i]>=RegLim[0] && dat[i]<=RegLim[1]) {
00397 fddist = xyz[3*i+fd]; inearest = i;
00398 }
00399 }
00400 }
00401 out << xs << " " << ys;
00402 for (register int k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00403 out << " " << dat[k*length+inearest];
00404 out << std::endl;
00405 std::cerr << ".";
00406 ys += regdx[yd];
00407 }
00408 out << std::endl;
00409 std::cerr << std::endl;
00410 xs += regdx[xd];
00411 }
00413 delete [] val;
00414 delete [] dat;
00415 delete [] xyz;
00416 }
00418 void WriteASCIITabular(int ordered, int tecplot, std::ostream& out) {
00419 if (!keys) return;
00421 if (InputFile.empty()) {
00422 int length;
00423 if (FKeys() == 1)
00424 length = NNodes();
00425 else
00426 length = NCells();
00428 float* xyz = new float[3*length];
00429 SetGrid((float (*)[3]) xyz);
00430 int nkl = nkeys*length;
00431 float* dat = new float[nkl];
00432 for (register int i=0; i<nkl; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
00433 register int k;
00434 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00435 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
00437 if (!tecplot) {
00438 out << RealTime() << ";";
00439 if (!LineProbe()) {
00440 if (!ordered) {
00441 if (base::DimUsed(0)) out << "x ;";
00442 if (base::DimUsed(1)) out << "y ;";
00443 if (base::DimUsed(2)) out << "z ;";
00444 }
00445 else
00446 if (base::DimUsed(0)) out << "x ;";
00447 else if (base::DimUsed(1)) out << "y ;";
00448 else if (base::DimUsed(2)) out << "z ;";
00449 }
00450 else
00451 out << "r ;";
00452 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00453 out << TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1) << ";";
00454 }
00455 else {
00456 out << "title = \"t = " << RealTime() << "\"" << std::endl;
00457 out << "variables = ";
00458 if (!LineProbe()) out << "\"x\"";
00459 else out << "\"r\"";
00460 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00461 out << ", \"" << TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1) << "\"";
00462 }
00463 out << std::endl;
00465 if (!ordered) {
00466 for (register int i=0; i<length; i++) {
00467 if (!LineProbe()) {
00468 for (register int d=0; d<3; d++)
00469 if (base::DimUsed(d))
00470 out << xyz[3*i+d] << " ";
00471 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00472 out << dat[k*length+i] << " ";
00473 out << std::endl;
00474 }
00475 else {
00476 int lp = 1, d;
00477 float di = 0.0, xs = 0.0, c = 0.0;
00478 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00479 if (base::DimUsed(d)) {
00480 di += (xyz[3*i+d]-LinePoint[d])*(xyz[3*i+d]-LinePoint[d]);
00481 if (LineVector[d] != 0.0) {
00482 xs += (xyz[3*i+d]-LinePoint[d])/LineVector[d]; c += 1.0;
00483 }
00484 }
00485 c = xs/c;
00486 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00487 if (base::DimUsed(d) &&
00488 std::fabs(c*LineVector[d]-xyz[3*i+d]+LinePoint[d])>
00490 lp = 0; break;
00491 }
00492 if (lp) {
00493 out << std::sqrt(di) << " ";
00494 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00495 out << dat[k*length+i] << " ";
00496 out << std::endl;
00497 }
00498 }
00499 }
00500 }
00501 else {
00502 index_ordered_map_type imap;
00503 for (register int i=0; i<length; i++)
00504 if (!LineProbe()) {
00505 for (register int d=0; d<3; d++)
00506 if (base::DimUsed(d)) {
00507 imap.insert(ordered_index_type(xyz[3*i+d],i));
00508 break;
00509 }
00510 }
00511 else {
00512 int lp = 1, d;
00513 float di = 0.0, xs = 0.0, c = 0.0;
00514 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00515 if (base::DimUsed(d)) {
00516 di += (xyz[3*i+d]-LinePoint[d])*(xyz[3*i+d]-LinePoint[d]);
00517 if (LineVector[d] != 0.0) {
00518 xs += (xyz[3*i+d]-LinePoint[d])/LineVector[d]; c += 1.0;
00519 }
00520 }
00521 c = xs/c;
00522 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00523 if (base::DimUsed(d) &&
00524 std::fabs(c*LineVector[d]-xyz[3*i+d]+LinePoint[d])>
00526 lp = 0; break;
00527 }
00528 if (lp)
00529 imap.insert(ordered_index_type(std::sqrt(di),i));
00530 }
00532 for (index_ordered_map_type::iterator it = imap.begin();
00533 it != imap.end(); ++it) {
00534 out << (*it).first << " ";
00535 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00536 out << dat[k*length+(*it).second] << " ";
00537 out << std::endl;
00538 }
00539 }
00541 delete [] dat;
00542 delete [] xyz;
00543 }
00544 else {
00545 std::ifstream in(InputFile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
00546 if (!in) {
00547 std::cerr << "Cannot open " << InputFile << " for reading!" << std::endl;
00548 return;
00549 }
00550 float SP[3];
00551 int d, k;
00552 point_list_type p;
00553 while (!in.eof()) {
00554 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00555 if (base::DimUsed(d))
00556 in >> SP[d];
00557 else SP[d]=0.0;
00558 if (in.eof()) continue;
00559 p.insert(p.end(), SP, SP+3);
00560 }
00561 in.close();
00562 if (!p.empty()) {
00563 unsigned int Np=p.size()/3;
00564 float *v=new float[Np*nkeys];
00565 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00566 if (FKeys() == 1)
00567 base::SetPointsNodes(&(keys[k]),p,&(v[k*Np]));
00568 else
00569 base::SetPointsCells(&(keys[k]),p,&(v[k*Np]));
00571 for (register unsigned int i=0;i<Np;i++) {
00572 bool print=true;
00573 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00574 if (v[k*Np+i]<=float(-1.e37) && !ordered) { print=false; break; }
00575 if (print) {
00576 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00577 if (base::DimUsed(d))
00578 out << p[3*i+d] << " ";
00579 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00580 out << v[k*Np+i] << " ";
00581 out << std::endl;
00582 }
00583 else {
00584 std::cerr << "Point ( ";
00585 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00586 if (base::DimUsed(d))
00587 std::cerr << p[3*i+d] << " ";
00588 std::cerr << ") outside of domain. Skipping..." << std::endl;
00589 }
00590 }
00591 delete [] v;
00592 }
00593 }
00594 }
00596 void DimShape(int& dimshape, int& conshape) {
00597 if (base::Make3d) {
00598 dimshape = 3;
00599 conshape = 8;
00600 }
00601 else {
00602 dimshape = 0;
00603 conshape = 1;
00604 for (int d=0; d<3; d++) {
00605 dimshape += base::DimUsed(d);
00606 conshape *= (base::DimUsed(d) ? 2 : 1);
00607 }
00608 }
00609 }
00615 void WriteDXFile(std::ostream& out) {
00616 int dxfile_dataoffset=0;
00617 int dimshape, conshape;
00618 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
00620 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
00621 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
00622 out << "object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape " << dimshape;
00623 out << " items " << nnodes;
00624 #if defined DX_LSB
00625 out << " lsb";
00626 #else
00627 out << " msb";
00628 #endif
00629 out << " binary data " << dxfile_dataoffset << std::endl;
00630 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
00631 dxfile_dataoffset+=dimshape*nnodes*sizeof(float);
00633 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
00634 out << "object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape " << conshape;
00635 out << " items " << ncells;
00636 #if defined DX_LSB
00637 out << " lsb";
00638 #else
00639 out << " msb";
00640 #endif
00641 out << " binary data " << dxfile_dataoffset << std::endl;
00642 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
00643 out << "attribute \"element type\" string ";
00644 if (dimshape==3) out << "\"cubes\"";
00645 else if (dimshape==2) out << "\"quads\"";
00646 else if (dimshape==1) out << "\"lines\"";
00648 out << std::endl << "attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"" << std::endl;
00649 dxfile_dataoffset+=conshape*ncells*sizeof(int);
00651 int length;
00652 if (FKeys() == 1)
00653 length = nnodes;
00654 else
00655 length = ncells;
00656 int nkl = nkeys*length;
00657 float* dat = new float[nkl];
00658 for (register int i=0; i<nkl; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
00659 out << "object 3 class array type float";
00660 if (nkeys>1) out << " rank 1 shape " << nkeys;
00661 out << " items " << length;
00662 #if defined DX_LSB
00663 out << " lsb";
00664 #else
00665 out << " msb";
00666 #endif
00667 out << " binary data " << dxfile_dataoffset << std::endl;
00668 register int k;
00669 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00670 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
00671 if (FKeys() == 6)
00672 out << "attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"" << std::endl;
00673 dxfile_dataoffset+= nkeys*length*sizeof(float);
00675 out << "object \"default\" class field" << std::endl;
00676 out << "component \"positions\" value 1" << std::endl;
00677 out << "component \"connections\" value 2" << std::endl;
00678 out << "component \"data\" value 3" << std::endl;
00679 out << "end" << std::endl;
00681 register int n,t;
00682 if (dimshape==1) {
00683 for (n=0,t=0; n<nnodes; n++)
00684 xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n];
00685 }
00686 else if (dimshape==2) {
00687 for (n=0,t=0; n<nnodes; n++) {
00688 xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n]; xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n+1];
00689 }
00690 }
00691 out.write((char*) xyz, dimshape*nnodes*sizeof(float));
00693 if (conshape==2) {
00694 for (n=0,t=0; n<ncells; n++) {
00695 con[t++] = con[8*n]; con[t++] = con[8*n+1];
00696 }
00697 }
00698 if (conshape==4) {
00699 for (n=0,t=0; n<ncells; n++) {
00700 con[t++] = con[8*n ]; con[t++] = con[8*n+1];
00701 con[t++] = con[8*n+2]; con[t++] = con[8*n+3];
00702 }
00703 }
00704 out.write((char*) con, conshape*ncells*sizeof(int));
00706 if (nkeys>1) {
00707 float* datout = new float[nkeys*length];
00708 int nn = 0;
00709 for (n=0; n<length; n++)
00710 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
00711 datout[nn] = dat[k*length+n]; nn++;
00712 }
00713 out.write((char*) datout, sizeof(float)*nkeys*length);
00714 delete [] datout;
00715 }
00716 else
00717 out.write((char*) dat, sizeof(float)*length);
00719 delete [] xyz;
00720 delete [] con;
00721 delete [] dat;
00722 }
00724 void WriteDXASCIIFile(std::ostream& out) {
00725 int dimshape, conshape;
00726 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
00728 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
00729 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
00730 out << "object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape " << dimshape;
00731 out << " items " << nnodes << " data follows" << std::endl;
00732 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
00733 register int i;
00734 for (i=0; i<nnodes; i++) {
00735 for (int d=0; d<dimshape; d++)
00736 out << xyz[3*i+d] << " ";
00737 out << std::endl;
00738 }
00740 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
00741 out << "object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape " << conshape;
00742 out << " items " << ncells << " data follows" << std::endl;
00743 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
00744 for (i=0; i<ncells; i++) {
00745 for (int d=0; d<conshape; d++)
00746 out << con[8*i+d] << " ";
00747 out << std::endl;
00748 }
00750 out << "attribute \"element type\" string ";
00751 if (dimshape==3) out << "\"cubes\"";
00752 else if (dimshape==2) out << "\"quads\"";
00753 else if (dimshape==1) out << "\"lines\"";
00755 out << std::endl << "attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"" << std::endl;
00756 int length;
00757 if (FKeys() == 1)
00758 length = nnodes;
00759 else
00760 length = ncells;
00761 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
00762 for (i=0; i<nkeys*length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
00763 out << "object 3 class array type float";
00764 if (nkeys>1) out << " rank 1 shape " << nkeys;
00765 out << " items " << length << " data follows" << std::endl;
00766 register int k;
00767 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00768 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
00769 for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
00770 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00771 out << " " << dat[k*length+i];
00772 out << std::endl;
00773 }
00774 if (FKeys() == 6)
00775 out << "attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"" << std::endl;
00777 out << "object \"default\" class field" << std::endl;
00778 out << "component \"positions\" value 1" << std::endl;
00779 out << "component \"data\" value 3" << std::endl;
00780 out << "component \"connections\" value 2" << std::endl;
00781 out << "end" << std::endl;
00783 delete [] xyz;
00784 delete [] con;
00785 delete [] dat;
00786 }
00788 void WriteDXExternalFilter(std::ostream& out) {
00789 int dimshape, conshape;
00790 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
00792 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
00793 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
00794 out << "object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape " << dimshape;
00795 out << " items " << nnodes;
00796 #if defined DX_LSB
00797 out << " lsb";
00798 #else
00799 out << " msb";
00800 #endif
00801 out << " binary data follows" << std::endl;
00802 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
00803 register int n,t;
00804 if (dimshape==1) {
00805 for (n=0,t=0; n<nnodes; n++)
00806 xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n];
00807 }
00808 else if (dimshape==2) {
00809 for (n=0,t=0; n<nnodes; n++) {
00810 xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n]; xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n+1];
00811 }
00812 }
00813 out.write((char*) xyz, dimshape*nnodes*sizeof(float));
00814 delete [] xyz;
00816 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
00817 out << "object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape " << conshape;
00818 out << " items " << ncells;
00819 #if defined DX_LSB
00820 out << " lsb";
00821 #else
00822 out << " msb";
00823 #endif
00824 out << " binary data follows" << std::endl;
00825 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
00826 if (conshape==2) {
00827 for (n=0,t=0; n<ncells; n++) {
00828 con[t++] = con[8*n]; con[t++] = con[8*n+1];
00829 }
00830 }
00831 if (conshape==4) {
00832 for (n=0,t=0; n<ncells; n++) {
00833 con[t++] = con[8*n ]; con[t++] = con[8*n+1];
00834 con[t++] = con[8*n+2]; con[t++] = con[8*n+3];
00835 }
00836 }
00837 out.write((char*) con, conshape*ncells*sizeof(int));
00838 delete [] con;
00840 out << "attribute \"element type\" string ";
00841 if (dimshape==3) out << "\"cubes\"";
00842 else if (dimshape==2) out << "\"quads\"";
00843 else if (dimshape==1) out << "\"lines\"";
00845 out << "attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"" << std::endl;
00847 int length;
00848 if (FKeys() == 1)
00849 length = nnodes;
00850 else
00851 length = ncells;
00852 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
00853 for (int i=0; i<nkeys*length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
00854 out << "object 3 class array type float ";
00855 if (nkeys>1) out << "rank 1 shape " << nkeys << " ";
00856 if (FKeys() == 6)
00857 out << "attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"" << std::endl;
00858 out << "items " << length;
00859 #if defined DX_LSB
00860 out << " lsb";
00861 #else
00862 out << " msb";
00863 #endif
00864 out << " binary data follows" << std::endl;
00865 register int k;
00866 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
00867 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
00868 if (nkeys>1) {
00869 float* datout = new float[nkeys*length];
00870 int nn = 0;
00871 for (n=0; n<length; n++)
00872 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
00873 datout[nn] = dat[k*length+n]; nn++;
00874 }
00875 out.write((char*) datout, sizeof(float)*nkeys*length);
00876 delete [] datout;
00877 }
00878 else
00879 out.write((char*) dat, sizeof(float)*length);
00880 delete [] dat;
00882 out << "object \"default\" class field" << std::endl;
00883 out << "component \"positions\" value 1" << std::endl;
00884 out << "component \"connections\" value 2" << std::endl;
00885 out << "component \"data\" value 3" << std::endl;
00886 out << "end" << std::endl;
00887 }
00889 void WriteHDFConvert(int DimReduce) {
00890 if (!keys || _Step<0 || OutputName == "-") return;
00891 float64 realtime = RealTime();
00892 int32 ori[3],dims[3],res[4];
00893 int32 proc,level,gridID;
00894 int32 step = _Step;
00895 int32 rank = 3;
00896 char target[256];
00897 char dname[16];
00899 if (BlockList().size()>MAX_NC_VARS && FileMerge>=0) {
00900 std::cerr << "Maximal block count in HDF4 file exceeded. Setting FileMerge to 0." << std::endl;
00901 FileMerge = 0;
00902 }
00904 if (OutputStep>=0) step = OutputStep;
00906 for (register int k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
00907 std::string TargetName = OutputName;
00908 dname[0] = TheEvaluator().KeyboardKeys()[keys[k]-1]; dname[1] = 0;
00909 char time[20];
00910 base::OutputFileTime(time, step);
00911 if (nkeys>1)
00912 std::sprintf(target,"%s_%s_%s.hdf",OutputName.c_str(),dname,time);
00913 else
00914 std::sprintf(target,"%s_%s.hdf",OutputName.c_str(),time);
00916 std::cerr << "SetScalCells()";
00917 gridID=0;
00918 int last_proc = -1;
00919 for (typename block_list_type::reverse_iterator bit=BlockList().rbegin();
00920 bit!=BlockList().rend(); bit++, gridID++) {
00922 proc = (**bit).Processor();
00923 level = (**bit).Level();
00925 if (base::_parData==1 && FileMerge<=0)
00926 if (proc!=last_proc) {
00927 if (last_proc>=0) {
00928 SDSflush(target);
00929 SDSclose(target);
00930 }
00931 if (nkeys>1)
00932 std::sprintf(target,"%s_%s_%s.%d.hdf",OutputName.c_str(),dname,time,(int)proc);
00933 else
00934 std::sprintf(target,"%s_%s.%d.hdf",OutputName.c_str(),time,(int)proc);
00935 last_proc = proc;
00936 }
00938 int offset=0;
00939 hdata_block_type tmpblock((**bit).DB().bbox());
00940 float* work = new DataType[(**bit).DB().bbox().size()];
00942 (**bit).SetScalCells(&(keys[k]),work,offset,base::CompRead);
00943 BeginFastIndex3(tmp, tmpblock.bbox(), tmpblock.data(), DataType);
00944 int idx = 0;
00945 for_3 (n,m,l,tmpblock.bbox(),tmpblock.bbox().stepsize())
00946 FastIndex3(tmp,n,m,l) = work[idx];
00947 idx++;
00948 end_for
00949 EndFastIndex3(tmp);
00950 delete [] work;
00952 register int d;
00953 for (d=0; d<3; d++) {
00954 ori[d] = (int32) tmpblock.lower(d);
00955 if (!base::show_exact[d]) res[d] = (int32) tmpblock.stepsize(d);
00956 else res[d] = 1;
00957 dims[d] = (int32) tmpblock.extents(d);
00958 }
00959 res[3] = 1;
00960 if (!base::DimUsed(2)) {
00961 dims[2] = 1;
00962 ori[2] = 0;
00963 res[2] = 1;
00964 res[3] = 1;
00965 if (!base::DimUsed(1)) {
00966 dims[1] = 1;
00967 ori[1] = 0;
00968 res[1] = 1;
00969 }
00970 }
00971 if (DimReduce) {
00972 int dc = 0;
00973 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
00974 if (base::show_exact[d]) {
00975 for (register int dd=d+1; dd<3; dd++) {
00976 ori[dd-1] = ori[dd];
00977 res[dd-1] = res[dd];
00978 dims[dd-1] = dims[dd];
00979 }
00980 dc++;
00981 ori[3-dc] = 0; res[3-dc] = 1; dims[3-dc] = 1;
00982 }
00983 }
00985 if (sizeof(DataType) == SIZE_FLOAT32)
00986 SDSsetNT(target,DFNT_FLOAT32);
00987 else if (sizeof(DataType) == SIZE_FLOAT64)
00988 SDSsetNT(target,DFNT_FLOAT64);
00989 else if (sizeof(DataType) == SIZE_FLOAT128)
00990 SDSsetNT(target,DFNT_FLOAT128);
00991 else
00992 std::cerr << "SDSsetNT() not called!" << std::endl;
00993 AMRwriteData(target,dname,proc,level,gridID,
00994 step,realtime,rank,dims,ori,res,
00995 tmpblock.data());
00996 }
00997 SDSflush(target);
00998 SDSclose(target);
00999 std::cerr << std::endl;
01000 }
01001 }
01003 void WriteTecplotASCII(std::ostream& out) {
01004 int dimshape, conshape;
01005 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
01007 if (dimshape==1) {
01008 WriteASCIITabular(1,1,out);
01009 return;
01010 }
01012 int length;
01013 if (FKeys() == 1)
01014 length = NNodes();
01015 else
01016 length = NCells();
01017 out << "title = \"t = " << RealTime() << "\"" << std::endl;
01018 float* xyz = new float[3*length];
01019 SetGrid((float (*)[3]) xyz);
01021 out << "variables = \"x\", \"y\"";
01022 if (dimshape>2) out << ", \"z\"";
01023 register int i,k;
01024 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01025 char* title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01026 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01027 i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01028 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01029 out << ", \"" << title << "\"";
01030 }
01031 out << std::endl;
01032 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
01033 for (i=0; i<nkeys*length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
01034 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01035 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
01037 int cnt=0,cbit=0,blength;
01038 for (typename block_list_type::iterator bit=BlockList().begin();
01039 bit!=BlockList().end(); bit++, cbit++) {
01041 Coords ext = (*bit)->DB().extents();
01042 if (FKeys() == 1) {
01043 ext += base::DimUsed;
01044 blength = (*bit)->NNodes();
01045 }
01046 else
01047 blength = (*bit)->NCells();
01049 out << "zone t=\"B-" << cbit << " L-" << (*bit)->Level() << " P-"
01050 << (*bit)->Processor() << "\", i=" << ext(0) << ", j=" << ext(1);
01051 if (dimshape>2) out << ", k=" << ext(2);
01053 out << ", solutiontime=" << RealTime();
01054 if (PointOutput<=0) {
01055 out << ", datapacking=block, varlocation=([1-" << 2+(dimshape>2?1:0)+nkeys << "]=";
01056 if (FKeys() == 1)
01057 out << "nodal)" << std::endl;
01058 else
01059 out << "cellcentered)" << std::endl;
01060 for (register int d=0; d<dimshape; d++)
01061 for (i=0; i<blength; i++) {
01062 out << xyz[3*(cnt+i)+d] << " ";
01063 if ((i+1)%16==0) out << std::endl;
01064 }
01065 out << std::endl << std::endl;
01066 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01067 for (i=0; i<blength; i++) {
01068 out << dat[k*length+cnt+i] << " ";
01069 if ((i+1)%16==0) out << std::endl;
01070 }
01071 out << std::endl << std::endl;
01072 }
01073 }
01074 else {
01075 out << ", datapacking=point, varlocation=([1-" << 2+(dimshape>2?1:0)+nkeys << "]=";
01076 if (FKeys() == 1)
01077 out << "nodal)" << std::endl;
01078 else
01079 out << "cellcentered)" << std::endl;
01080 for (i=0; i<blength; i++) {
01081 for (register int d=0; d<dimshape; d++)
01082 out << xyz[3*(cnt+i)+d] << " ";
01083 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01084 out << " " << dat[k*length+cnt+i];
01085 out << std::endl;
01086 }
01087 out << std::endl;
01088 }
01089 cnt += blength;
01090 }
01092 delete [] xyz;
01093 delete [] dat;
01094 }
01104 # define VTK_USED_DIMS 3
01105 void WriteVTUASCIIFile(std::ostream& out) {
01108 int dimshape, conshape;
01109 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
01111 out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
01112 out << "<?meta name=\"source\" content=\"HDF data created with AMROC's hdf2file\"?>"
01113 << std::endl;
01114 out << "<?meta name=\"timestamp\" content=\"" << RealTime() << "\"?>" << std::endl;
01117 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
01118 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
01119 out << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">"
01120 << std::endl;
01121 out << "<UnstructuredGrid>" << std::endl;
01122 out << "<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"" << nnodes << "\" NumberOfCells=\"" << ncells << "\">"
01123 << std::endl;
01126 out << "<Points>" << std::endl;
01127 out << "<DataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\""<< VTK_USED_DIMS
01128 << "\" format=\"ascii\" Name=\"vertex\">" << std::endl;
01129 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
01130 register int i;
01131 for (i=0; i<nnodes; i++) {
01132 for (register int d=0; d<VTK_USED_DIMS; d++)
01133 out << xyz[3*i+d] << " ";
01134 out << std::endl;
01135 }
01136 out << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;
01137 out << "</Points>" << std::endl;
01140 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
01141 out << "<Cells>" << std::endl;
01142 out << "<DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
01144 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
01145 for (i=0; i<ncells; i++) {
01146 for (register int d=0; d<conshape; d++)
01147 out << con[8*i+d] << " ";
01148 out << std::endl;
01149 }
01150 out << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;
01153 out << "<DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
01154 for (i=1; i<=ncells; i++)
01155 out << i*conshape << std::endl;
01156 out << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;
01159 int cell_type = 1;
01160 if (dimshape==3) cell_type = 11;
01161 else if (dimshape==2) cell_type = 8;
01162 else if (dimshape==1) cell_type = 3;
01164 out << "<DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
01165 for (i=0; i<ncells; i++)
01166 out << cell_type << std::endl;
01167 out << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;
01169 out << "</Cells>" << std::endl;
01171 int length;
01172 if (FKeys() == 1) {
01173 length = nnodes;
01174 out << "<PointData>" << std::endl;
01175 }
01176 else {
01177 length = ncells;
01178 out << "<CellData>" << std::endl;
01179 }
01180 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
01181 for (i=0; i<nkeys*length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
01182 register int k;
01183 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01184 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
01185 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01186 char* title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01188 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01189 i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01190 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01191 int n=std::strlen(title);
01192 for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (title[i]==' ') title[i]='_';
01193 out << "<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"" << title
01194 << "\" format=\"ascii\" NumberOfComponents=\"1\">" << std::endl;
01195 for (i=0; i<length; i++)
01196 out << dat[k*length+i] << std::endl;
01197 out << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;
01198 }
01200 if (FKeys() == 1)
01201 out << "</PointData>" << std::endl;
01202 else
01203 out << "</CellData>" << std::endl;
01204 out << "</Piece>" << std::endl;
01205 out << "</UnstructuredGrid>" << std::endl;
01206 out << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl;
01208 delete [] xyz;
01209 delete [] con;
01210 delete [] dat;
01211 }
01225 void WriteVTUFile(std::ostream& out) {
01228 int dimshape, conshape;
01229 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
01230 unsigned long appendedDataOffset=0;
01233 bool addHeaderSizeAsInt32=true;
01235 out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
01236 out << "<?meta name=\"source\" content=\"HDF data created with AMROC's hdf2file\"?>"
01237 << std::endl;
01238 out << "<?meta name=\"timestamp\" content=\"" << RealTime() << "\"?>" << std::endl;
01241 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
01242 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
01243 out << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=";
01244 if (isBigEndian())
01245 out << "\"BigEndian\">" << std::endl;
01246 else
01247 out << "\"LittleEndian\">" << std::endl;
01248 out << "<UnstructuredGrid>" << std::endl;
01249 out << "<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"" << nnodes << "\" NumberOfCells=\"" << ncells << "\">"
01250 << std::endl;
01253 out << "<Points>" << std::endl;
01254 out << "<DataArray type=";
01255 if (sizeof(float)==4)
01256 out << "\"Float32\"";
01257 else if (sizeof(float)==8)
01258 out << "\"Float64\"";
01259 else out << "\"Float" << sizeof(float)*8 <<"\"";
01260 out << " NumberOfComponents=\""<< VTK_USED_DIMS
01261 << "\" Name=\"vertex\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"" << appendedDataOffset
01262 << "\" />" << std::endl;
01264 unsigned long deltaDataOffset= VTK_USED_DIMS*nnodes;
01265 deltaDataOffset*=sizeof(float);
01266 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) deltaDataOffset+=4;
01267 if (deltaDataOffset%3>0) deltaDataOffset+=(3-(deltaDataOffset%3));
01268 deltaDataOffset=deltaDataOffset/3*4;
01269 appendedDataOffset+=deltaDataOffset;
01271 out << "</Points>" << std::endl;
01272 out << "<Cells>" << std::endl;
01273 out << "<DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"appended\" offset=\""
01274 << appendedDataOffset << "\" />" << std::endl;
01276 deltaDataOffset= conshape*ncells;
01277 deltaDataOffset*=sizeof(int);
01278 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) deltaDataOffset+=4;
01279 if (deltaDataOffset%3>0) deltaDataOffset+=(3-(deltaDataOffset%3));
01280 deltaDataOffset=deltaDataOffset/3*4;
01281 appendedDataOffset+=deltaDataOffset;
01283 out << "<DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"appended\" offset=\""
01284 << appendedDataOffset << "\" />" << std::endl;
01285 deltaDataOffset= ncells;
01286 deltaDataOffset*=sizeof(int);
01287 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) deltaDataOffset+=4;
01288 if (deltaDataOffset%3>0) deltaDataOffset+=(3-(deltaDataOffset%3));
01289 deltaDataOffset=deltaDataOffset/3*4;
01290 appendedDataOffset+=deltaDataOffset;
01292 out << "<DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"appended\" offset=\""
01293 << appendedDataOffset << "\" />" << std::endl;
01294 deltaDataOffset= ncells;
01295 deltaDataOffset*=sizeof(char);
01296 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) deltaDataOffset+=4;
01297 if (deltaDataOffset%3>0) deltaDataOffset+=(3-(deltaDataOffset%3));
01298 deltaDataOffset=deltaDataOffset/3*4;
01299 appendedDataOffset+=deltaDataOffset;
01301 out << "</Cells>" << std::endl;
01303 int length;
01304 if (FKeys() == 1) {
01305 length = nnodes;
01306 out << "<PointData>" << std::endl;
01307 } else {
01308 length = ncells;
01309 out << "<CellData>" << std::endl;
01310 }
01312 for (int k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01313 char* title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01315 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01316 int i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01317 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01318 int n=std::strlen(title);
01319 for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (title[i]==' ') title[i]='_';
01321 out << "<DataArray type=";
01322 if (sizeof(float)==4) out << "\"Float32\"";
01323 else if (sizeof(float)==8) out << "\"Float64\"";
01324 out << " Name=\"" << title << "\" NumberOfComponents=\"1\" format=\"appended\" offset=\""
01325 << appendedDataOffset << "\" />" << std::endl;
01327 deltaDataOffset=length;
01328 deltaDataOffset*=sizeof(float);
01329 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) deltaDataOffset+=4;
01330 if (deltaDataOffset%3>0) deltaDataOffset+=(3-(deltaDataOffset%3));
01331 deltaDataOffset=deltaDataOffset/3*4;
01332 appendedDataOffset+=deltaDataOffset;
01333 }
01335 if (FKeys() == 1)
01336 out << "</PointData>" << std::endl;
01337 else
01338 out << "</CellData>" << std::endl;
01339 out << "</Piece>" << std::endl;
01340 out << "</UnstructuredGrid>" << std::endl;
01344 out << "<AppendedData encoding=\"base64\">" << std::endl;
01345 out << "_";
01347 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
01350 register int i;
01351 int dataBlockSize;
01352 dataBlockSize=nnodes*VTK_USED_DIMS*sizeof(float);
01353 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32)
01354 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)&dataBlockSize,sizeof(int),out);
01355 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)xyz,dataBlockSize,out,true);
01358 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
01361 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
01364 dataBlockSize=ncells*conshape*sizeof(int);
01365 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32)
01366 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)&dataBlockSize,sizeof(int),out);
01367 int deltamaxcon=8*sizeof(int);
01368 int deltacon =conshape*sizeof(int);
01369 unsigned char *srccon=(unsigned char *)con;
01370 unsigned char *dstcon=(unsigned char *)con;
01371 if (deltamaxcon!=deltacon && conshape<8) {
01372 for (i=1; i<ncells; i++) {
01373 srccon+=deltamaxcon;
01374 dstcon+=deltacon;
01375 memcpy(dstcon,srccon,deltacon);
01376 }
01377 }
01378 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)con,dataBlockSize,out,true);
01382 dataBlockSize=ncells*sizeof(int);
01383 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32)
01384 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)&dataBlockSize,sizeof(int),out);
01385 for (i=0; i<ncells; i++) con[i]= (i+1)*conshape;
01386 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)con,dataBlockSize,out,true);
01390 unsigned char cell_type = 1;
01391 if (dimshape==3) cell_type = 11;
01392 else if (dimshape==2) cell_type = 8;
01393 else if (dimshape==1) cell_type = 3;
01397 dataBlockSize=ncells;
01398 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) {
01399 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)&dataBlockSize,sizeof(int),out);
01400 }
01401 int four_cell_types;
01402 ((char *)(&four_cell_types))[0]=cell_type;
01403 ((char *)(&four_cell_types))[1]=cell_type;
01404 ((char *)(&four_cell_types))[2]=cell_type;
01405 ((char *)(&four_cell_types))[3]=cell_type;
01406 for (i=0; i<(ncells+3)/4; i++) con[i]= four_cell_types;
01407 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)con,dataBlockSize,out,true);
01409 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
01410 bzero(dat,nkeys*length*sizeof(float));
01411 register int k;
01412 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01413 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
01414 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01416 dataBlockSize=length*sizeof(float);
01417 if (addHeaderSizeAsInt32) {
01418 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)&dataBlockSize,sizeof(int),out);
01419 }
01420 encodeToBase64AndWrite((unsigned char *)&(dat[k*length]),dataBlockSize,out,true);
01421 }
01422 out << std::endl;
01424 out << "<? meta name=\"datasize\" size=\"" << appendedDataOffset << "\" ?>" << std::endl;
01426 out << std::endl;
01427 out << "</AppendedData>" << std::endl;
01428 out << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl;
01430 delete [] xyz;
01431 delete [] con;
01432 delete [] dat;
01433 }
01435 void WriteVTKASCIIFile(std::ostream& out) {
01436 int dimshape, conshape;
01437 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
01439 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
01440 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
01441 out << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0" << std::endl;
01442 out << "HDF data created with AMROC's hdf2file" << std::endl;
01443 out << "ASCII" << std::endl;
01444 out << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;
01445 out << "FIELD FieldData 1" << std::endl;
01446 out << "TIME 1 1 float" << std::endl;
01447 out << float(RealTime()) << std::endl;
01448 out << "POINTS " << nnodes << " float" << std::endl;
01449 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
01450 register int i;
01451 for (i=0; i<nnodes; i++) {
01452 for (int d=0; d<VTK_USED_DIMS; d++)
01453 out << xyz[3*i+d] << " ";
01454 out << std::endl;
01455 }
01457 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
01458 out << "CELLS " << ncells << " " << ncells*(conshape+1) << std::endl;
01459 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
01460 for (i=0; i<ncells; i++) {
01461 out << conshape << " ";
01462 for (int d=0; d<conshape; d++)
01463 out << con[8*i+d] << " ";
01464 out << std::endl;
01465 }
01467 int cell_type = 1;
01468 if (dimshape==3) cell_type = 11;
01469 else if (dimshape==2) cell_type = 8;
01470 else if (dimshape==1) cell_type = 3;
01472 out << "CELL_TYPES " << ncells << std::endl;
01473 for (i=0; i<ncells; i++)
01474 out << cell_type << std::endl;
01476 int length;
01477 if (FKeys() == 1) {
01478 length = nnodes;
01479 out << "POINT_DATA ";
01480 }
01481 else {
01482 length = ncells;
01483 out << "CELL_DATA ";
01484 }
01485 out << length << std::endl;
01486 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
01487 bzero(dat,nkeys*length*sizeof(float));
01489 register int k;
01490 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01491 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
01492 out << "FIELD Data " << nkeys << std::endl;
01493 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01494 char* title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01495 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01496 i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01497 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01498 int n=std::strlen(title);
01499 for (i=0; i<n; i++)
01500 if (title[i]==' ') title[i]='_';
01501 out << title << " 1 " << length << " float" << std::endl;
01502 for (i=0; i<length; i++)
01503 out << dat[k*length+i] << std::endl;
01504 }
01506 delete [] xyz;
01507 delete [] con;
01508 delete [] dat;
01509 }
01512 void flipBytes(char *c, int n) {
01513 char *ptr=c;
01514 char x;
01515 n/=4;
01516 for (register int i=0; i<n; i++) {
01517 x=ptr[3]; ptr[3]=ptr[0]; ptr[0]=x;
01518 x=ptr[2]; ptr[2]=ptr[1]; ptr[1]=x;
01519 ptr+=4;
01520 }
01521 }
01522 void WriteVTKFile(std::ostream& out) {
01523 int dimshape, conshape;
01524 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
01525 bool writeSizeAsHeader=false;
01526 bool flipdatabytes=((char *)(&conshape))[3]==0;
01528 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
01529 float* xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
01530 out << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0" << std::endl;
01531 out << "HDF data created with AMROC's hdf2file" << std::endl;
01532 out << "BINARY" << std::endl;
01533 out << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;
01534 out << "FIELD FieldData 1" << std::endl;
01535 out << "TIME 1 1 float" << std::endl;
01536 float timeout = float(RealTime());
01537 if (flipdatabytes) flipBytes((char*) &timeout, sizeof(float));
01538 out.write((char*) &timeout, sizeof(float));
01539 out << std::endl;
01540 out << "POINTS " << nnodes << " float" << std::endl;
01541 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
01542 register int n;
01543 if (writeSizeAsHeader) {
01544 int binaryBlockSize= VTK_USED_DIMS*nnodes;
01545 out.write((char*)&binaryBlockSize,sizeof(int));
01546 }
01547 if (flipdatabytes) flipBytes((char*) xyz, VTK_USED_DIMS*nnodes*sizeof(float));
01548 out.write((char*) xyz, VTK_USED_DIMS*nnodes*sizeof(float));
01549 out << std::endl;
01550 delete [] xyz;
01552 int* con = new int[8*ncells];
01553 int* con2 = new int[9*ncells];
01554 int c2shape = conshape+1;
01555 out << "CELLS " << ncells << " "
01556 << ncells*(conshape+1) << std::endl;
01557 SetGridConns((int (*)[8]) con);
01558 for (n=0; n<ncells; n++)
01559 con2[c2shape*n] = conshape;
01560 for (register int i=0; i<conshape; i++)
01561 for (n=0; n<ncells; n++)
01562 con2[c2shape*n+i+1] = con[8*n+i];
01563 if (writeSizeAsHeader) {
01564 int binaryBlockSize= (conshape+1)*ncells;
01565 out.write((char*)&binaryBlockSize,sizeof(int));
01566 }
01567 if (flipdatabytes) flipBytes((char*) con2, (conshape+1)*ncells*sizeof(int));
01568 out.write((char*) con2, (conshape+1)*ncells*sizeof(int));
01569 out << std::endl;
01570 delete [] con; delete [] con2;
01572 int cell_type = 1;
01573 if (dimshape==3) cell_type = 11;
01574 else if (dimshape==2) cell_type = 8;
01575 else if (dimshape==1) cell_type = 3;
01576 int* type = new int[ncells];
01577 for (n=0; n<ncells; n++)
01578 type[n] = cell_type;
01579 out << "CELL_TYPES " << ncells << std::endl;
01580 if (writeSizeAsHeader) {
01581 int binaryBlockSize= ncells;
01582 out.write((char*)&binaryBlockSize,sizeof(int));
01583 }
01584 if (flipdatabytes) flipBytes((char*) type, ncells*sizeof(int));
01585 out.write((char*) type, ncells*sizeof(int));
01586 out << std::endl;
01587 delete [] type;
01589 int length;
01590 if (FKeys() == 1) {
01591 length = nnodes;
01592 out << "POINT_DATA ";
01593 }
01594 else {
01595 length = ncells;
01596 out << "CELL_DATA ";
01597 }
01598 out << length << std::endl;
01599 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
01600 for (n=0; n<nkeys*length; n++) *(dat+n) = 0.;
01601 register int k;
01602 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01603 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
01604 out << "FIELD Data " << nkeys << std::endl;
01605 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01606 char* title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01607 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01608 int i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01609 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01610 int n=std::strlen(title);
01611 for (i=0; i<n; i++)
01612 if (title[i]==' ') title[i]='_';
01613 out << title << " 1 " << length << " float" << std::endl;
01614 if (writeSizeAsHeader) {
01615 int binaryBlockSize= length;
01616 out.write((char*)&binaryBlockSize,sizeof(int));
01617 }
01619 if (flipdatabytes) flipBytes((char*) &(dat[k*length]), length*sizeof(float));
01620 out.write((char*) &(dat[k*length]), length*sizeof(float));
01621 out << std::endl;
01622 }
01623 delete [] dat;
01624 }
01630 #if defined(HAVE_LIBSILO) || defined(HAVE_LIBSILOH5)
01631 void WriteSiloFile(char *silofilename) {
01632 if (silofilename==0 || silofilename[0]==0) {
01633 std::cerr << "Abort: Cannot write SILO to stdout. "
01634 << "Please provide FileName in your display_file.in" << std::endl;
01635 return;
01636 }
01637 #if defined(HAVE_LIBSILOH5)
01638 DBfile * silofptr= DBCreate(silofilename, DB_CLOBBER, DB_LOCAL, NULL, DB_HDF5);
01639 #else
01640 DBfile * silofptr= DBCreate(silofilename, DB_CLOBBER, DB_LOCAL, NULL, DB_PDB);
01641 #endif
01642 if (!silofptr) {
01643 std::cerr << "Abort: could not create SILO file." << std::endl;
01644 return;
01645 }
01647 int dimshape, conshape;
01648 DimShape(dimshape,conshape);
01650 int nnodes = NNodes(), ncells = NCells();
01651 int vardatacentering, length;
01652 if (FKeys() == 1) {
01653 vardatacentering=DB_NODECENT;
01654 length = nnodes;
01655 } else {
01656 vardatacentering=DB_ZONECENT;
01657 length = ncells;
01658 }
01660 std::cerr << std::endl;
01662 float * xyz = new float[3*nnodes];
01663 char * coordnames [3]= {"X","Y","Z"};
01664 float * coordinates[3];
01666 coordinates[0]=xyz;
01667 coordinates[1]=coordinates[0]+nnodes;
01668 coordinates[2]=coordinates[1]+nnodes;
01671 SetGridNodes((float (*)[3]) xyz);
01672 register int n,t;
01673 if (dimshape==1) {
01674 for (n=0,t=0; n<nnodes; n++)
01675 xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n];
01676 }
01677 else if (dimshape==2) {
01678 for (n=0,t=0; n<nnodes; n++) {
01679 xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n]; xyz[t++] = xyz[3*n+1];
01680 }
01681 }
01682 # endif
01684 float* dat = new float[nkeys*length];
01685 register int i,k;
01686 for (i=0; i<nkeys*length; i++) *(dat+i) = 0.;
01687 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01688 SetScal(&(keys[k]),&(dat[k*length]));
01690 int *blocklevel = new int[BlockList().size()];
01691 char **vartitles = new char* [nkeys];
01692 int leveltitle = -1;
01695 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01696 char *title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01697 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01698 i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01699 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01700 int n=std::strlen(title);
01701 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
01702 if (title[i]==' ' ||
01703 title[i]=='.' ||
01704 title[i]=='-' ||
01705 title[i]=='+' ||
01706 title[i]=='/' ) title[i]='_';
01707 }
01708 vartitles[k] = new char[std::strlen(title)+1];
01709 for (i=0; i<n; i++)
01710 vartitles[k][i]=std::toupper(title[i]);
01711 vartitles[k][i]='\0';
01712 delete [] title;
01713 if (!std::strcmp(vartitles[k],"LEVEL") || !std::strcmp(vartitles[k],"LEVELS"))
01714 leveltitle=k;
01715 }
01717 int offset=0, maxlevel=-1, nblock=0;
01718 char **meshptrs= new char *[BlockList().size()];
01719 char **varptrs= new char *[BlockList().size()];
01721 for (typename block_list_type::iterator bit=BlockList().begin();
01722 bit!=BlockList().end(); bit++, nblock++) {
01723 float fmin[3], fmax[3];
01724 int idims[3], vardims[3];
01725 for (i=0; i<dimshape; i++) {
01726 fmin[i] = (**bit).DB().bbox().lower(i)*base::dx[i]+base::geom[i*2];
01727 fmax[i] = ((**bit).DB().bbox().upper(i)+
01728 (**bit).DB().bbox().stepsize(i))*base::dx[i]+base::geom[i*2];
01729 idims[i]= (**bit).DB().bbox().extents(i)+1;
01730 vardims[i]=idims[i];
01731 if (vardatacentering==DB_ZONECENT) vardims[i]--;
01732 if (vardims[i]<=0) vardims[i]=1;
01733 }
01736 char *meshblockdirname= new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01737 meshblockdirname[0]='/';
01738 meshblockdirname++;
01739 sprintf(meshblockdirname,"BLOCK%04i",nblock);
01740 DBSetDir(silofptr,"/");
01741 DBMkDir(silofptr,meshblockdirname);
01742 DBSetDir(silofptr,meshblockdirname);
01744 char *meshblockname= meshblockdirname + std::strlen(meshblockdirname)+1;
01745 meshblockname[-1]='/';
01746 sprintf(meshblockname,"block%04i",nblock);
01748 meshptrs[nblock]=meshblockdirname;
01749 varptrs[nblock]= meshblockname;
01752 std::cerr<<"using USE_PRESET_AMROC_BLOCK_COORDS" << std::endl;
01753 for (i=0; i<dimshape; i++)
01754 coordinates[i]=&(xyz[dimshape*offset+i]);
01755 DBPutQuadmesh(silofptr, meshblockname ,coordnames, coordinates, idims, dimshape, DB_FLOAT, DB_COLLINEAR, NULL);
01756 # else
01757 for (i=0; i<dimshape; i++) {
01758 for (register int idx=0; idx<idims[i]; idx++)
01759 coordinates[i][idx]=fmin[i]+(float)idx*(fmax[i]-fmin[i])/(float)(idims[i]-1);
01760 }
01761 DBPutQuadmesh(silofptr, meshblockname ,coordnames, coordinates, idims, dimshape, DB_FLOAT, DB_COLLINEAR, NULL);
01762 # endif
01764 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01765 if (k==leveltitle) {
01766 blocklevel[nblock]=(**bit).Level();
01767 if (blocklevel[nblock]>maxlevel) maxlevel=blocklevel[nblock];
01768 }
01769 DBPutQuadvar1(silofptr, vartitles[k], meshblockname, &(dat[offset+k*length]),
01770 vardims, dimshape, NULL, 0,DB_FLOAT, vardatacentering, NULL);
01771 }
01772 if (FKeys()==1) offset += (**bit).NNodes();
01773 else offset += (**bit).NCells();
01774 }
01776 bool dump_sets=true;
01777 if (dump_sets) {
01778 DBSetDir(silofptr,"/");
01779 char * levelmesh = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01780 char * varmeshname = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01782 int * meshtypes=new int[BlockList().size()];
01783 char ** imeshptrs=new char *[nblock];
01784 for (int i=0; i<nblock; i++) {
01785 meshtypes[i]= DB_QUAD_RECT;
01786 imeshptrs[i]=meshptrs[nblock-i-1];
01787 }
01788 DBPutMultimesh(silofptr, "/ALL_LEVELS", nblock, meshptrs, meshtypes, NULL);
01790 DBSetDir(silofptr,"/");
01791 DBMkDir(silofptr,"LEVELS");
01792 for (int l=maxlevel; l>=0; l--) {
01793 int ninlevel=0;
01794 for (register int idx=0; idx<nblock; idx++) {
01795 if (blocklevel[idx]==l) {
01796 imeshptrs[ninlevel++]=meshptrs[idx]-1;
01797 }
01798 }
01799 if (ninlevel>0) {
01800 sprintf(levelmesh,"/LEVELS/LEVEL_%03i",l);
01801 DBPutMultimesh(silofptr, levelmesh, ninlevel, imeshptrs, meshtypes, NULL);
01802 }
01803 }
01805 for (register int idx=0; idx<nblock; idx++) meshtypes[idx]= DB_QUADVAR;
01806 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01807 sprintf(varmeshname,"VAR_%s",vartitles[k]);
01808 for (register int idx=0; idx<nblock; idx++) std::strcpy(varptrs[idx],vartitles[k]);
01810 DBSetDir(silofptr,"/");
01811 DBMkDir(silofptr,varmeshname);
01812 DBSetDir(silofptr,varmeshname);
01813 sprintf(varmeshname,"/VAR_%s/ALL_LEVELS",vartitles[k]);
01814 for (register int idx=0; idx<nblock; idx++) imeshptrs[idx]=meshptrs[idx]-1;
01815 DBPutMultivar(silofptr, varmeshname, nblock, imeshptrs, meshtypes, NULL);
01816 DBSetDir(silofptr,"/");
01818 for (int l=maxlevel; l>=0; l--) {
01819 int ninlevel=0;
01820 for (register int idx=0; idx<nblock; idx++)
01821 if (blocklevel[idx]==l)
01822 imeshptrs[ninlevel++]=meshptrs[idx]-1;
01823 if (ninlevel>0) {
01824 sprintf(varmeshname,"/VAR_%s/LEVEL_%03i",vartitles[k],l);
01825 DBPutMultivar(silofptr, varmeshname, ninlevel, imeshptrs, meshtypes, NULL);
01826 }
01827 }
01828 }
01829 delete [] levelmesh;
01830 delete [] varmeshname;
01831 }
01832 DBClose(silofptr);
01836 delete [] meshptrs;
01837 delete [] varptrs;
01838 delete [] xyz;
01839 delete [] dat;
01840 delete [] blocklevel;
01841 delete [] vartitles;
01843 }
01844 #else
01845 void WriteSiloFile(char *silofilename) {
01846 std::cerr << "hdf2file SILO package not compiled. "
01847 << "Please reconfigure with SILO_DIR defined and recompile." << std::endl;
01848 }
01849 #endif
01851 void WriteTecplotASCIIMeshFile(std::ostream& out) {
01852 if (!keys) return;
01854 std::ifstream in(InputFile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
01855 if (!in) {
01856 std::cerr << "Cannot open " << InputFile << " for reading!" << std::endl;
01857 return;
01858 }
01860 std::string line;
01861 int d, k;
01862 do {
01863 std::getline(in, line);
01864 if (in.eof()) continue;
01865 out << line;
01866 std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), toupper);
01867 if (line.find("VARIABLES")!=std::string::npos) break;
01868 out << std::endl;
01869 } while (!in.eof());
01871 register int i;
01872 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++) {
01873 char* title = new char[LEN_TKEYS];
01874 std::strcpy(title,TheEvaluator().TitleKeys(keys[k]-1));
01875 i=std::strlen(title)-1;
01876 while (title[i]==' ' && i>1) { title[i] = '\0'; i--; }
01877 int n=std::strlen(title);
01878 for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (title[i]==' ') title[i]='_';
01879 out << " " << title;
01880 }
01881 out << std::endl;
01883 unsigned int num_vertices=0;
01884 do {
01885 std::getline(in, line);
01886 if (in.eof()) continue;
01887 out << line << std::endl;
01888 std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), toupper);
01889 if (line.find("ZONE")!=std::string::npos) {
01890 std::string::size_type idx = line.find("I=");
01891 std::string strnumber;
01892 strnumber.assign(line, idx+2, line.size());
01893 std::istringstream numberstr(strnumber);
01894 numberstr >> num_vertices;
01895 break;
01896 }
01897 } while (!in.eof());
01899 float SP[3];
01900 point_list_type p;
01901 std::vector<std::string> ds;
01902 do {
01903 std::getline(in, line);
01904 if (in.eof()) continue;
01905 std::istringstream linestr(line);
01906 ds.insert(ds.end(), line);
01907 for (d=0; d<3; d++)
01908 if (base::DimUsed(d))
01909 linestr >> SP[d];
01910 else
01911 SP[d]=0.0;
01912 p.insert(p.end(), SP, SP+3);
01913 } while (!in.eof() && p.size()<3*num_vertices);
01915 if (!p.empty()) {
01916 unsigned int Np=p.size()/3;
01917 float *v=new float[Np*nkeys];
01918 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01919 if (FKeys() == 1)
01920 base::SetPointsNodes(&(keys[k]),p,&(v[k*Np]));
01921 else
01922 base::SetPointsCells(&(keys[k]),p,&(v[k*Np]));
01924 for (register unsigned int i=0;i<Np;i++) {
01925 out << ds[i];
01926 for (k=0; k<nkeys; k++)
01927 out << " " << v[k*Np+i];
01928 out << std::endl;
01929 }
01930 delete [] v;
01931 }
01933 do {
01934 std::getline(in, line);
01935 if (in.eof()) continue;
01936 out << line << std::endl;
01937 } while (!in.eof());
01938 in.close();
01939 }
01941 virtual void SetGrid(float xyz[][3]) {
01942 if (FKeys() == 1)
01943 SetGridNodes(xyz);
01944 else
01945 SetGridCells(xyz);
01946 }
01948 virtual void SetScal(int *key,float v[]) {
01949 if (FKeys() == 1)
01950 SetScalNodes(key, v);
01951 else
01952 SetScalCells(key, v);
01953 }
01955 virtual void Vect(int *key,float v[][3]) {
01956 if (FKeys() == 1)
01957 VectNodes(key, v);
01958 else
01959 VectCells(key, v);
01960 }
01962 virtual void BlockListAppend(hdata_block_type& workdata, BBox& bb, int comp, int& Level,
01963 int& proc, float* dx, float* geom) {
01964 BlockList().push_back(new data_block_type(*this, workdata, bb, comp,
01965 TheEvaluator(), Level, proc, dx, geom));
01966 }
01968 block_list_type& BlockList() { return (block_list_type &)*base::_BlockList; }
01969 block_list_type& BlockList() const { return (block_list_type &)*base::_BlockList; }
01971 int LineProbe() const
01972 { return (LinePoint[0]!=LineVector[0] || LinePoint[1]!=LineVector[1] ||
01973 LinePoint[2]!=LineVector[2]); }
01975 virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl,const std::string& prefix) {
01976 base::register_at(Ctrl,prefix); }
01977 virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl) {
01978 register_at(Ctrl, ""); }
01979 virtual int NCells() { return base::NCells(); }
01980 virtual int NNodes() { return base::NNodes(); }
01981 virtual void SetBlocks(int blocks[]) { base::SetBlocks(blocks); }
01982 virtual void SetGridCells(float xyz[][3]) {
01983 base::SetGridCells(xyz); }
01984 virtual void SetGridNodes(float xyz[][3]) {
01985 base::SetGridNodes(xyz); }
01986 virtual void SetGridConns(int con[][8]) {
01987 base::SetGridConns(con); }
01988 virtual void SetScalCells(int *key,float v[]) {
01989 base::SetScalCells(key,v); }
01990 virtual void SetScalNodes(int *key,float v[]) {
01991 base::SetScalNodes(key,v); }
01992 virtual void VectNodes(int *key,float v[][3]) {
01993 base::VectNodes(key,v); }
01994 virtual void VectCells(int *key,float v[][3]) {
01995 base::VectCells(key,v); }
01996 virtual int Size() const { return base::Size(); }
01997 virtual const int& MinLevel() const { return base::MinLevel(); }
01998 virtual const int& MaxLevel() const { return base::MaxLevel(); }
01999 virtual const int& NLevels() const { return base::NLevels(); }
02000 virtual const int& RefineFactor(const int l) const {
02001 return base::RefineFactor(l); }
02002 virtual const BBox& GlobalBBox() const {
02003 return base::GlobalBBox(); }
02004 virtual const int& FKeys() const { return base::FKeys(); }
02005 virtual evaluator_type& TheEvaluator() const {
02006 return base::TheEvaluator(); }
02007 virtual evaluator_type& TheEvaluator() {
02008 return base::TheEvaluator(); }
02009 virtual float64 RealTime() const { return base::RealTime(); }
02010 virtual void SetUpdateName(std::string* iname) {
02011 base::SetUpdateName(iname); }
02012 virtual std::string* UpdateName() { return base::UpdateName(); }
02013 virtual std::string* UpdateName() const {
02014 return base::UpdateName(); }
02016 private:
02017 std::string OutputName;
02018 int OutputType, OutputStep;
02019 std::string StrKeys;
02020 int* keys;
02021 int nkeys;
02022 float LinePoint[3], LineVector[3];
02023 int RegData[3];
02024 float RegLim[2];
02025 int RegMax;
02026 int LevelCutOut;
02027 int PointOutput;
02028 int _Step;
02029 int FileMerge;
02030 std::string InputFile;
02031 };
02033 #endif