c c c ================================================================== subroutine rpt3acv(ixyz,icoor,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & ql,qr,maux,aux1,aux2,aux3,imp,asdq, & bmasdq,bpasdq) c ================================================================== c c # Riemann solver in the transverse direction for the acoustics equations c # with varying material properties c c # auxN(i,1,:) holds impedance rho c # auxN(i,2,:) holds sound speed c c # c # On input, c c # ql,qr is the data along some one-dimensional slice, as in rpn3 c # This slice is c # in the x-direction if ixyz=1, c # in the y-direction if ixyz=2, or c # in the z-direction if ixyz=3. c # asdq is an array of flux differences (A^*\Dq). c # asdq(i,:) is the flux difference propagating away from c # the interface between cells i-1 and i. c # Note that asdq represents B^*\Dq if ixyz=2 or C^*\Dq if ixyz=3. c c # ixyz indicates the direction of the original Riemann solve, c # called the x-like direction in the table below: c c # x-like direction y-like direction z-like direction c # ixyz=1: x y z c # ixyz=2: y z x c # ixyz=3: z x y c c # icoor indicates direction in which the transverse solve should c # be performed. c # icoor=2: split in the y-like direction. c # icoor=3: split in the z-like direction. c c # For example, c # ixyz=1, icoor=2 means asdq=A^*\Dq, and should be split in y into c # bmasdq = B^-A^*\Dq, c # bpasdq = B^+A^*\Dq. c # c # ixyz=2, icoor=2 means asdq=B^*\Dq, and should be split in z into c # bmasdq = C^-B^*\Dq, c # bpasdq = C^+B^*\Dq. c c # The parameter imp is generally needed only if aux c # arrays are being used, in order to access the appropriate c # variable coefficients: c # imp = 1 if asdq = A^- \Dq, the left-going flux difference c # 2 if asdq = A^+ \Dq, the right-going flux difference c c # aux2(:,:,2) is a 1d slice of the aux array along the row c # where the data ql, qr lie. c # aux1(:,:,2) and aux3(:,:,2) are neighboring rows in the c # y-like direction c # aux2(:,:,1) and aux2(:,:,3) are neighboring rows in the c # z-like direction c c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension asdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c c c # set iuvw = 2,3,4, depending on which component of q represents c # velocity in the transverse direction in which splitting is to c # be performed: iuvw = ixyz + icoor if (iuvw.gt.4) iuvw = iuvw-3 c do 10 i=2-mbc,mx+mbc c # The flux difference asdq is split into downward moving part c # traveling at speed -c relative to the medium below and c # an upward moving part traveling c # at speed +c relative to the medium above. c c # Note that the sum of these parts does not give all of asdq c # since there is also reflection at the interfaces which decreases c # the flux. c c # set impendance and sound speed in each row of cells, c # by selecting appropriate values from aux arrays depending on c # values of icoor, imp: c # imp is used to flag whether wave is going to left or right. i1 = i-2+imp !# = i-1 for amdq, i for apdq c if (icoor .eq. 2) then c # transverse direction is y-like direction so c # auxN(:,:,2) holds data in appropriate plane and N=(1,2,3) c # for row (below,at,above) the slice of q data zm = aux1(i1,1,2)*aux1(i1,2,2) zz = aux2(i1,1,2)*aux2(i1,2,2) zp = aux3(i1,1,2)*aux3(i1,2,2) cm = aux1(i1,2,2) c = aux2(i1,2,2) cp = aux3(i1,2,2) else !! (icoor .eq. 3) c # transverse direction is z-like direction so c # aux2(:,:,N) holds data in appropriate plane and N=(1,2,3) c # for row (below,at,above) the slice of q data zm = aux2(i1,1,1)*aux2(i1,2,1) zz = aux2(i1,1,2)*aux2(i1,2,2) zp = aux2(i1,1,3)*aux2(i1,2,3) cm = aux2(i1,2,1) c = aux2(i1,2,2) cp = aux2(i1,2,3) endif c c # transmitted part of down-going wave: a1 = (-asdq(i,1) + asdq(i,iuvw)*zz) / & (zm + zz) c # transmitted part of up-going wave: a2 = (asdq(i,1) + asdq(i,iuvw)*zz) / & (zz + zp) c c # The down-going flux difference bmasdq is the product -c * wave c bmasdq(i,1) = cm * a1*zm bmasdq(i,2) = 0.d0 bmasdq(i,3) = 0.d0 bmasdq(i,4) = 0.d0 bmasdq(i,iuvw) = -cm * a1 c c # The up-going flux difference bpasdq is the product c * wave c bpasdq(i,1) = cp * a2*zp bpasdq(i,2) = 0.d0 bpasdq(i,3) = 0.d0 bpasdq(i,4) = 0.d0 bpasdq(i,iuvw) = cp * a2 c 10 continue c return end