FlaggingSpecific Member List

This is the complete list of members for FlaggingSpecific, including all inherited members.
_BufferwidthFlagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [protected]
_critFlagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [protected]
_DimAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_EquationsAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_EstimateErrorAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [protected]
_flagFlagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [protected]
_GhostsAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_HierarchyAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
_ncritFlagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [protected]
_SolverAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [protected]
_uAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [protected]
_u_shAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [protected]
_workAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [protected]
_work_shAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [protected]
AddCriterion(criterion_type *crit)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
AMRBase()AMRBase< VectorType, dim >
AMRFlagging(solver_type &solver)AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Bufferwidth() const Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
Bufferwidth()Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
Criterion_(const int n)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
Criterion_(const int n) const Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
criterion_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
CriterionP(const int n)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
DeleteAllCriterions()Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
DeleteCriterion(criterion_type *crit)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
Dim() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim >
EliminateCriterion(criterion_type *crit)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
equals_fromsh(grid_data_type &w, grid_data_type &wsh)AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
ErrorEstimation() constAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
finish()Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [virtual]
flag_data_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
flag_fct_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Flagging()Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
FlaggingSpecific(base::solver_type &solver)FlaggingSpecific [inline]
FlaggingSpecific(base::solver_type &solver)FlaggingSpecific [inline]
FlaggingSpecific(AMRSolver(DIM)< Vector_type, Fixup_type, Flag_type > &solver)FlaggingSpecific [inline]
flagNameFlagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [protected]
Flags()Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
Flags() const Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
GH()AMRBase< VectorType, dim >
GH() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim >
grid_data_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
grid_fct_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
init()FlaggingSpecific [inline, virtual]
LocCtrlAMRBase< VectorType, dim > [protected]
NCrit() const Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
NEquations() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim >
NGhosts() const AMRBase< VectorType, dim >
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [virtual]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl, const std::string &prefix)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [virtual]
SetBufferwidth(const int buffw)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim >
SetErrorEstimation(const bool est)AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
SetFlags(const int Time, const int Level, double t, double dt)AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [virtual]
SetGridFunctions(vec_grid_fct_type *u, vec_grid_fct_type *ush, grid_fct_type *work, grid_fct_type *worksh)AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
SetupData(GridHierarchy *gh, const int &ghosts)Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [virtual]
Solver_()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Solver_() constAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
solver_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
U()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
U() constAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
update()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [virtual]
Ush()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Ush() constAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
vec_grid_data_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
vec_grid_fct_type typedefAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Work()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Work() constAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Worksh()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
Worksh() constAMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM >
~AMRBase()AMRBase< VectorType, dim > [virtual]
~AMRFlagging()AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType, DIM > [virtual]
~Flagging()Flagging< VectorType, FlagType, dim > [virtual]
~FlaggingSpecific()FlaggingSpecific [inline]
~FlaggingSpecific()FlaggingSpecific [inline]