ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim >, including all inherited members.
_uAMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
addf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
addf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &where, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const ld_vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
AddFluxes(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double tc, const double tf, const double dtc, const double dtf, const int &mdim)ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > [inline, protected, virtual]
AddIntercellFluxes(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double dt, const int &mdim)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [virtual]
AMRFixup()AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
ClpFixup(integrator_type &integ)ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > [inline]
ClpFixupVecOps()ClpFixupVecOps< VectorType, dim > [inline]
copyf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
copyf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &where, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
copyf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
copyf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
copyv_to(GridData< VectorType, minus_1< dim >::dim > &target, const GridData< VectorType, dim > &source, const BBox &where, const int s)ClpFixupVecOps< VectorType, dim > [inline, protected]
CorrectFirstOrder(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, const double tc, const double tf, const double dtc, const double dtf, const int &mdim)ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > [inline, protected]
Correction(const int Time, const int WTime, const int Level, const double t, const double dt)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [virtual]
FixupBBox(const BBox &interior, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
FluxBBox(const BBox &interior, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected, virtual]
GFNameAMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
Integrator_()ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > [inline, protected]
Integrator_() const ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > [inline, protected]
integrator_type typedefClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim >
ld_fixup_grid_data_type typedefAMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
ld_fixup_grid_fct_type typedefAMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
ld_vec_grid_data_type typedefClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim >
NGhosts() const ClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim > [inline, protected]
ParallelFixup(const int Time, const int Level, const int d, vec_grid_fct_type &uh)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl, const std::string &prefix)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [virtual]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [virtual]
SaveFluxes(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double dt, const int &mdim)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [virtual]
SetGridFunctions(vec_grid_fct_type *u)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
StateVecBBox(const BBox &interior, const int s)AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
U()AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
U() const AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
ValidSide(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, const int s) const AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [protected]
vec_grid_data_type typedefClpFixup< VectorType, FixupType, AuxVectorType, dim >
vec_grid_fct_type typedefAMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim >
~AMRFixup()AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType, dim > [virtual]