Numerical Simulations of Gaseous Detonations
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Two-dimensional Simulations
A one-dimensional solution similar to those shown in Fig. 2.1 is used as initial condition. A non-planar disturbance is initiated by a small pocket of slightly higher pressure behind the detonation front. Transverse pressure waves propagate perpendicular to the detonation front and if the detonation channel is sufficiently width, the transverse oscillation can be become very regular. The intersection of a transverse wave with the detonation front forms a triple point. Three frequently used configurations with
are studied. The numerical method is Strang-splitting, which uses a hybrid Roe-HLL scheme with MUSCL reconstruction within the two-dimensional Wave Propagation Method as hydrodynamic transport scheme. Automatic time step adjustment for CCFL = 0.95, Van Albada-limiter, 40 Pts/L1/2. Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement with AMROC with one additional refinement level (refinement factor 4) was used. The computational time for each run was 40 to 45 h CPU time on Pentium-III 850 MHz.![]()
- Computation 1, f=3.0, E0=50, Q0=50
- Computation 2, f=1.2, E0=10, Q0=50
- Computation 3, f=1.1, E0=20, Q0=2
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last update: 06/01/04